Chapter 8: What an interesting woman

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


"Wow, this is like the holidays" Freen said smiling widely right before she starts to devour the tender chunks of meat. 

They were having a meal in a fancy restaurant even though it was almost midnight.  Freen insisted for them to eat first before they head home.

A waiter comes over and offers them a perfectly chilled bottle of wine, adding a touch of elegance to the evening. Freen smiled at the sight of a fancy drink, while Becky have the opposite reaction.

The waiter was about to fill her glass when she interrupted, saying, "Sorry, I don't drink that much. And it's already night, shouldn't we not drinking this hour?"

"Chill, it's just a wine. Don't worry too much, it won't get you drunk." Freen gestured to the waiter to continue pouring.

Becky couldn't do anything but sigh.

After a while, "I wanted to say thank you, for earlier." Becky said, she's referring to the heels Freen bought for her,  "But Freen, I know you don't have a lot of money, so let's not waste money like that again."

Becky worries not only about the money but also to the things that might going to happen if they end up without nothing for their expenses. 

"And what makes you think I don't have a lot of money?"

Becky caught of guard by that question, "Uh, well, I mean.." Now she's lost in uncertainty. 

"What? Because you heard the rumors?" Freen said, "That I can't hold down a job, that I hangout with thugs, that I'm the outcast of the Chankimha family, and a bastard child--"

"I didn't mean it like that," Becky couldn't bear to hear Freen telling one by one all the rumours about her. So she cut her off.

Becky knew to herself that Freen was right, her assertion was base only the rumors she heard about Freen. She now starting to feel bad after judging her.

Freen only looked at her, waiting for her explanations. 

"Okay, I don't care what the rumors are." she said that made Freen smile a bit. "I just know that if we wanna have a good life, we have to plan out financially." She explained.

Freen was speechless in response to Becky's remarks. She simply rested her chin on her hands and watched Becky's face while she spoke.

"But I have a couple of interviews lined up, so I'll be making money soon."

"And you'll support us" Freen asked amused.

"Of course" Becky quickly answered, "I mean we will be living together in YOUR house. I have to pitch in somehow. And we're married afterall"

"Hmm. What an interesting woman" Freen mumbled to herself faintly enough for Becky to not hear it.

While they are still conversing, Becky receives a message from the hospital where Phon is being hospitalised right now. It was a reminder that her mother's bills were almost due and needed to be paid. She couldn't help but put her phone down, displaying herself in a worried expression that didn't goes unnotice on Freen.

"Something wrong?"

"It's nothing." She lied, picking up the wine with her shaky hands.

"Okay." Freen didn't delve any farther and carried on eating, never taking her eyes off Becky.

Marrying a Bastard? [A FREENBECKY AU STORY] | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now