Chapter 16: Love knows no bounds

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


Becky arrived at the office, dressed in professional attire and carrying a notebook. As she entered the workspace, she couldn't help but feel determined and happy.

The HR team welcomed her warmly, guiding her through the on-boarding process and introducing her to key colleagues. She also received her access badge, familiarized herself with company policies, and settled into her designated workspace.

On the other side, Risa was walking with a paper file, she noticed Becky sitting at her table so she approached her right away.

Becky turned as she heard footsteps approaching her workstation.

"Oh hey, Risa." She smiled as she greeted her, putting aside the fact that her interview with Risa had not gone well last time. It was important to her that she was still employed.

But Risa didn't seems thrilled, she sarcastically smile to Becky. "I don't know whose dck or pssy you had to suck to get this job, but just so you know, we have a strict company policy and anyone who can't make an improvement within a month gets fired."

"Excuse me I-"

Risa didn't give her the chance to speak, "You heard me." she retort, harshly dropping a folder to the table. "Now get those client reports on my desk by tomorrow morning."

Risa walked away without further explanation or acknowledgment, so Becky took the folder without a word, feeling a bit taken aback by the unmannerly delivery. As she couldn't help but feel a bit unsettled by the interaction.

Despite the rough encounter, Becky focused on the task at hand, opening the folder and reviewing its contents. She reminded herself that workplace dynamics could vary, and not everyone expressed themselves in the most polite manner.

Getting started to her job, she moved from one client to the next.

Hours had already passed, after she begins by thoroughly understanding the client's requirements for the report. She gathers all necessary data, asks relevant questions, and takes detailed notes from the clients.

After the initial data collection, Becky organizes the information into a structured outline. She divides the report into sections and subsections, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and information.

Becky exhaled sharply, and calm herself. Some clients would be a bit demanding and easily frustrated, while others would politely answers her questions and attentively listened to what she had to say.

It was exhausting for Becky, but despite the constant grumpyness of other clients, She refused to give up.

It's almost the end of her shift, Becky was so focused on the documents in front of her when a shadow fell across her desk.

"If it isn't Becky Armstrong." came a smooth, arrogant voice from behind her.

Becky tensed slightly, recognizing the voice of her ex-suitor, Billy. 


Billy chuckles, "It's been so long." he said, his tone casual but with a hint of smugness.

"What are you doing here?" Becky said with a casual tone, though there was a hint of discomfort in her eyes. 

"I heard you joined. Of course I had to come by and say Hi." Billy said, his tone tinged with arrogance

Becky forced a polite smile, keeping her composure despite feeling uncomfortable. "Nice to see you again, Billy."

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