Chapter 9: That little b*tch

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*** Disclaimer: I'm so sorry in advance for grammatical errors you might encounter, English is not my first language, please bare with me. Thank you :)


The next morning, Becky was awakened by the sudden ring of her phone. It was her best friend, Irin, calling whose voice was filled with excitement and urgency.

"You're never gonna guess what? You have an interview with SF enterprise at 10:00am today!" she said.

Becky instantly sit up from her bed upon hearing her bestfriend's good news, and it felt as though her dozing soul had completely woken. "SF enterprise, you say?" She asked surprised.


"Oh my God! Irin you're the best!" she said in so much joy, "This is unbelievable!" She clamped her mouth with excitement.

Becky was surprised by the news that she had been selected for an interview at the company where she is eager to work.

Everyone revered the design department of the SF Group. Fashion and jewelry design were just one of the many industries the company was engaged in.

They were a pioneer in dealing with multiple domains in the country and their operations expanded all over the world.

According to the press, the SF Enterprise's FOUNDER was a legend in the business. She was the sole factor contributing to the SF Group's success; she was young and gifted. But the woman was a mystery.

She were hardly made an appearance in public. Only her trusted employees knows her but they kept their mouth shut as to they are so loyal to her.

Designing had been Becky's major. This year, she had graduated with flying colors. She had exceptional design talent, which made her an admired figure in the university.

Earlier this year, she was meant to apply for a job like her classmates. However, because she had been taking care of her mother Phon, her application was delayed. That's why she was overjoyed with what Irin told her.

"Well, ahmm..." Irin was hesitant


"There's just one little issue." She didn't wanna inform Becky because she thinks it's a sensitive topic, but still decided to inform her, "Billy and Risa from college, they work there as well. Billy is a VP, and--"

Becky cut what Irin was saying due to the name she mentioned, "Billy? Like the guy who asked me out a hundred times and wouldn't take a no for an answer?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, that one."

"Right, I'm doomed."

"No Bec. The truth is, fortunately for you, Billy and Risa are engaged now." Irin said.

"Great! Just what I needed." Becky sighed a relief.


After her conversation with Irin, Becky hurriedly showered and changed into her clothes. She just dressed semi-formally, wearing a perfectly fitted knee-length navy blue dress suit that accentuated all of her curves. The jacket's subtle pinstripes gave the whole look a more sophisticated touch, so the interviewers would see her as professional.

"Hey, morning," Freen greeted her as she saw her rushing to the door, "You're up early?"

"Ahh hey, yeah. I have to go. My bestie got me an interview." Becky explained, her smile never leaves her face.

"Oh, Where?"

"SF enterprise. Wish me luck!" Becky hurriedly goes out.

"Good luck...then" Freen said leaning her back in the sofa sipping her coffee, even though Becky didn't have a chance to hear her.

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