chapter ten: you read?

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"I am inclined to laugh," Vlad responded sharply "You have not been all too grateful. I see no reason why I should care. You're lucky I even chose to help you."

Evangeline paused.

"Okay. I'm sorry," she said softly with a sigh. "Seriously. Thanks. I.. appreciate it. I really do."

"That's more like it," Vlad responded with a chuckle that seemed to indicate that he didn't care whether or not she apologized, that he had only been teasing her.

"Regardless," he continued, his voice growing more serious "I highly doubt that you will be able to make enough money to purchase enough stone blocks to fill up the hole then actually go about the process of sealing it up before nightfall."

"Do you perhaps have something else you can use to close off the hole for now?" He asked. "A tarp, perhaps?"

"No," Evangeline responded with a sigh "I don't just have.. tarps lying around. I don't have anything, really. I haven't gotten to all of that."

"You've been here for nearly a week," he remarked.

"Oh don't judge me! I've been busy!" Evangeline protested.

"With what? Looking at yourself in the mirror?"

"Alright.. maybe that. But I've been reading too! And tending to animals."

"You read?" Vlad suddenly responded, raising his eyebrow, his interest clearly piqued.

"I'm not sure whether you're trying to insult me or if you're genuinely surprised," Evangeline said dryly.

Vlad disregarded her snarky response. "What kinds of books have you read?" He asked her, acting as though he wasn't getting completely drenched in the rain, his face covered in water droplets.

"Mythological stories, typically. The Odyssey, for example," Evangeline responded. "Though I did not find that one particularly entertaining. Odysseus himself seems to be an arrogant prick."

"He brought upon himself his own fate. It was all entirely his fault," Vlad responded "If he had not given into his pride and told Polyphemus his name, he would have been home within a few months."

"You've read the Odyssey?" Evangeline asked, cocking her head slightly. "What did you think of it?"

"It was an interesting story. Homer is quite the writer, though I must admit that I disagree with you on the note that the story was not entertaining. I believe quite the contrary, and found it to be very much so."

"I suppose you have the right to your opinion," Evangeline responded. "As do I, of course. I did not like the ending, though. And I'm sure you can agree with me on that."

"It left too much to the imagination, yes. What happened next? It was a cliffhanger that I myself was not a fan of. He goes to bed with his wife, they're happy, but what comes next? Do the suitors' family members attack?"

"I wish I knew," Evangeline murmured with a sigh "Did you hear that somebody added a new ending? Not homer, another man. He claimed that Athena forced them not to fight, to make peace, after the family members came for revenge."

Vlads brow furrowed slightly. "Oh, really? I was not aware of that. Either way, that does sound quite anticlimactic- not Homers style. I'm sure the man is rolling in his grave," he said with a dark and brittle chuckle.

"I think I'd like to visit Greece some day," Evangeline  suddenly remarked.

"Greece? Why Greece?"

"I knew a girl from Greece, back when I was younger. I don't remember her name, but we were very close as young children. It was quite a few years ago, but I went with her family once to Greece, when they visited her grandfather. It was a beautiful country indeed."

"I've actually been to Greece, thus I can certainly attest to that. The coast is absolutely beautiful," Vlad responded "And the local cuisine is absolutely divine. Have you ever tried Keftedes?"

Evangeline paused. She certainly had not. "No," she said softly "No, I have not. What are they?"

"Meatballs that are quite popular in Greece- an appetizer, usually well seasoned. I tried some once, during my travels as a man.. and let us say that my mouth watered until I finally figured out the recipe for myself," he said with a chuckle.

"With much trial and error, im presuming?" Evangeline responded with a chuckle. "You do not strike me as one who spends much time in the kitchen."

"That's quite rich, coming from a girl who probably never cooked a day in her life before she arrived in the countryside," Vlad retorted

"At least I own up to it," she said simply with a shrug.

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