Chapter 49: Reap What You Sow

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A/N: Long chapter again everyone, but a good one 😏. You know what to do...

" If you want to take Mikey, or anyone of the other guys here... Be prepared to die."  Then the missiles were being shot out of the boat at the numerous speed boats of the enemy at the same time. Screams and shouts as Raisa's soldiers were being blown to smithereens and their body parts sinking into the ocean. " Bullseye we gottem!" Smiley cheered with a pumped fist. The others cheered and gave each other high fives for completing their part of the plan.

Transitioning to outside; Raisa, Hanma, and the girls were behind p*ssed when they saw all of their speed boats being blown up and destroyed. Their plan had failed. " You b*stard! You won't win Hanagaki—" Mina shouted as she grabbed her gun and started to aim it at Takemichi, but a light from the top floor flickered, a gun shot flying across and hit Mina in the boob and through her lung. She fell to the floor while gasping for air, the others became distraught and shock of what they just saw. And just like that, Mina breathed her last, and died.

Raisa hands were shaking, but not with fear, but with rage. Her anger couldn't even began to comprehend. She screamed her order to every single soldier on her boat, " KILL ALL OF THEM! LIMB FROM LIMB I DONT CARE! SINK THAT DAMN BOAT!"

Soldiers started coming out one after the other. Takemichi quickly got up from the ground while carrying Mikey. " Everyone, get inside now! Protect the others!" The founding members seem to have recuperate. They got up slowly and was scurrying on inside.

Takemichi was feeling a lot of things, anger was the big one. He just had about enough. " Somebody take Mikey. Lila, give me your foot springs." Lila was confused as Peh took Mikey and carried him gently. " Takemichi What are you gonna do?" Draken asked tiredly, " Takemichi, don't be so hasty and stupid!" Lila reprimanded.

" Have my back Lila! I'm finishing this." Takemichi said before he sped out of the door. " Dammit Hanagaki, * Annoyed grunt.*" Lila said while quickly aiming her gun at the post up soldiers on the deck. Takemichi was sprinting as fast as he could, using the kinetic energy from the springs and jumped as high and as far to land on Hanma's boat.

Hanma and Raisa saw Takemichi flying towards them. The soldiers were gonna shoot at him, but Lila and the sniper shot at them first, killing a majority of the soldiers. Takemichi tumbled and landed on the deck. He was breathing hard from the jump. Hanma stared at Takemichi amusingly. Raisa was still p*ssed off, and the girls were grieving from their dead friend.

" And what exactly are you planning Takemichi? You want to fight us?" Hanma said playfully with Raisa clenching her fists that are bleeding from his tight it was. " No... I don't only want to fight you. I'm gonna kill you both." Hanma mouth widen in a psychotic grin.

" I'm gonna hurt you in ways that is not even invented yet!" Raisa snarled as she charged towards Takemichi with full force, jumping for a flying side kick, but Takemichi ducked. Takemichi and Raisa were fighting toe to toe. Takemichi sensed Hanma charging behind him for a full blown punch, but Takemichi dodged in time. Both Hanma and Raisa were jumping Takemichi, but not one single hit landed him so far.

Francesca was sobbing from Mina's lifeless body being limp on the floor, the other girls as well. Their sobbing stopped and their faces hardened in fury. Francesca sprinted towards the captains room, slamming opening the door and gave the captain an order, " Get us closer to their boat, NOW!!"

The captain frantically followed her orders and steered the boat towards the other. Bringing it closer and closer. Once it got closer enough, Francesca didn't wait no longer. She jumped off from a ledge and crashed into a window. Glass everywhere as she tumbled and got up, looking like a mad woman. " WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU AGENTS! YOUR HEARTS WILL BE PIERCED BY MY BULLETS!"

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