Chapter 57: Take Control

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Takemichi's POV ( Last one)

I felt groggy and my body felt extremely sore, like I was worked out nonstop for days. I was waking up, my eyes focused and saw that I was in a bedroom. I looked around and it looked like a penthouse. The bed was comfortable as I sunk in the cushions.

The light was to bright and it was hard to see, but my throat was really dry. I looked to my right arm saw a full glass of water. I was reaching to grab it, my hands was shaking as I tried to hold it, but it fell to the ground. I heard footsteps speeding to the room from outside. Daniel and Ezra bursted through the door. " Takemichi! You're awake!" Daniel shouted in happiness.

Ezra saw my mess, " Let me clean that up. Daniel, fill him another glass." Ezra walked over with a towel and a broom as Daniel filled another class from the dresser. I slightly say up, and carefully grabbed the cup, rapidly gulping every drop. " Thank you, Daniel. And sorry for the mess Ezra." I apologized.

" It's no problem. You were out all day after the training session. It's 2 in the morning." Daniel remarked. " Why did I even pass out in the first place?"

" We would love to know the answer to that too." I glanced and saw Lili and Minyan enter into the door. Lili was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, while Minyan leaned against the dresser. " We're you holding out on everyone Hanagaki?" Lili asked.

" No, what am I supposed to be holding out anyway. I don't have any secret or special power." ( Liar) I defended. " Then explain to us the immense strength that you had today? You recently just got out of a comma, you are inadequate and incompetent for many of the trials ahead."

" Damn, harsh." I mumbled. Daniel leaned in to my ear, " She is still upset that she lost." I just made a dumbfounded face. " So, tell me why and how you were able to lift a grown man, twice your weight over your head and speed to the finish line." Lila asked with a harsh tone.

" Not only that, your eyes were red." Minyan mentioned. We all turned to her surprisingly. ' She finally spoke!' We all thought. I shook my head in realization of what she just said. " Wait? My eyes were what?! Red?!! No, that can't be true."

" It's true man, your eyes were red. Then your skills increased like crazy. But after that, you passed out." Ezra added, throwing away the glass into the trash. I stared at my hands, they were shaking, " Red eyes? Strength and agility out of nowhere? This doesn't make sense."

My watch started buzzing, I looked down to see that is a call from Madame Carlisle. I accepted the call and she appeared in a hologram in front of us. " Well hello Everyone, glad that you are awake Hanagaki, but I came to give you answers to your question."

' Did she listen in from the watch or something?' I thought. Lila stepped up first, " Madame Carlisle, we were just asking Takemichi about his performance earlier. He claims that he has no clue how it occurred, maybe you can enlighten us."

" What Hanagaki is saying is true. And there is something that I have to tell you... Several months ago when we took you into our care, the damages on your body was so severe that it would have been very difficult to revive you. Out of desperation on my part, I ordered some agents to implant some of our technology into you." Carlisle explained truthfully.

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