Chapter IV. Persona

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After a flustered explanation from you and a cheerful one from Taehyung, Hobi dismisses Taehyung and leads you to what appears to be his office.

He perches himself on the edge of a large, wooden desk and nods at you to take a seat at the plush leather chair in front of it.

"So, how did it go?" he asks, smiling.

"I... think it went well? Taehyung seemed to like me... and I'm definitely still 100% certain that I want to adopt him!"

Hobi nods.

"I'm glad the screening meeting went well," he says, walking around to behind his desk. "Now, on to the next step!"

Hobi takes out a brown envelope from one of the desk drawers and hands it to you.

"Here. I've included the list of requirements too, as promised. Once you're ready, please let us know your decision."

You take the envelope and stare down at its blank surface, then look back up at Hobi with a frown.

"But I already told you, my mind is made up. I'm definitely adopting Taehyung."

Hobi bites his lip, looking worried.

"Please," he implores, "Please read the file first."

Something in his tone gives you pause.

You look at Hobi closely and see something in his eyes that makes a shiver run down your spine.


'Is he... hiding something?'

Hobi clears his throat, gaze averted.

"As I'm sure you've noticed, Taehyung is very special," he looks back up at you, eyes softer, "In the two years I've known him, I've come to love him as if he were my own brother," he smiles softly, "His mind is full of wonder and curiosity, and he has such a gentle soul. Sometimes I even think Taehyung is too pure for this world that we live in."

Hobi falls silent for a moment, looking lost in his own thoughts.

Then, he stares into your eyes intently.

"Please remember all of this as you read his file. Can you promise me that?"

"Y-yes, I promise."

His shoulders relax, and a slight smile returns to his lips.

"Thank you," he scratches the back of his head, "Sorry if that was too much," he laughs, cheeks pink, "I got a bit carried away."

"No, I understand," you assure him, "You're just looking out for Taehyung."

"Yeah," Hobi nods, "He deserves the best that the world can give," he sighs, then fishes something out of his pocket, "Here," he hands you a small slip of paper, "This is my personal number. Feel free to contact me for any concerns. If you end up adopting Taehyung as you say, I hope we can be friends, too."

You take the slip, your earlier apprehension forgotten.

"Y-yes, definitely!"

Hobi smiles that bright, heart-shaped smile once more.

"Thank you for visiting Homes for Hybrids! I hope to see you again soon."


You stare down at the envelope on your lap during the cab ride back home, your head filled with questions.

But though you're feeling an overwhelming mix of emotions, your resolve remains firm.

As soon as you get back to your apartment, you waste no time in gathering the requirements.

'I guess it's lucky that I applied for a new job and a lease just a few months ago. I still have every document on the list on hand.'

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