Chapter XIV. Just One Day

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The following morning, you find a note slipped under your bedroom door. It's from Seokjin.


I had to leave really early today to catch my train. I didn't bother waking you and Taehyung up since we had a tiring day yesterday. Thanks again for hosting me. I'll be back soon, so don't be too sad, okay? Try not to miss me too much.

your Moon."

You find that your eyes have gotten wet, so you gently swipe at them.



On your dining table, you're greeted by the sight of a variety of fruits and toast artfully arranged on a plate.

"Taetae, did you prepare this?" you ask Taehyung delightedly.

"Do you like it?" he asks.

"Yes!" you exclaim, "It looks almost too pretty to eat, though!"

Taehyung smirks, sitting next to you on the floor.

"You look pretty enough to eat."

Your eyes snap up to meet his.

"What... What's up with you, Taetae?"

Taehyung quirks a brow at you.

'Wait...' you look at that arched brow, the smirk... 'It couldn't be... could it?' You massage your temple, feeling the onset of a headache. 'But no, that's impossible. It's daytime...' And yet, all signs point to the Hybrid in front of you not being Taehyung, but V.

"I know, I know... I'm just as puzzled as you are," V sighs, "but oh well." He spears a piece of strawberry with a fork. "You really should eat. Do you want me to feed you myself?" He extends the strawberry towards your mouth. "Say aaah..."

You push V's had away.

"I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself, thankyouverymuch." To prove your point, you pick up your own fork and start shoving slices of kiwi, peach, and strawberry into your mouth.

"You're even cute when you're stuffing your face like that," V comments, propping his chin on a hand, just watching you with amusement.

"Shhoff wassshin me eafff!!!" you grumble through a mouthful of fruits and toast.

"Soooo, what do you want to do today?" V asks, gesturing towards the window, "The weather looks perfect outside."

"You mean," you take a big gulp of orange juice, swallowing everything in your mouth, "you want to go out???"

"Why not?" V says testily, "Is it only Taehyung who gets to go out and have fun with you in broad daylight?"

V's statement stops you short. He has a point. Why shouldn't he be able to experience everything Taehyung gets to experience?

"I'm sorry," you say, contrite, "I don't know why I said that."

V looks away, eyebrows knitted.

"Can I be greedy, this once?" he asks, sadness in his voice, "I don't know how long this will last, or even if it will happen again..." He looks back at you. "so I want to make the most of it. Even if it's just one day and never again, I'll take it."

You feel a tugging on your heartstrings. It must be frustrating for V to have to take the back seat for most of the time. You swallow all the food in your mouth... along with all your reservations.

"Okay, V!" you say brightly, having made up your mind, "We're going out! We're going to have the best day ever!"


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