Chapter IX. 24/7 Heaven

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You step out into the living room, and immediately see Taehyung by the window. He has his back to you, and seems to be gazing outside.

But no--- you quickly realize that it's not Taehyung at all, but V.

Whether it's the way he stands, or the subtle tension coiled throughout his posture, you're not sure how exactly: you just know it's V.

"Don't be shy. Come join me here," he says, twisting around to shoot you a wry look.

After a moment's hesitation, you cautiously approach, stopping roughly a meter away from where he stands.

"You can come closer, you know? I don't bite." He pauses, then smirks. "Well, unless you ask me to."

"Wh-why in the world would I ask you to--- to bite me???" you sputter.

He laughs that gravelly laugh again, a rougher, deeper counterpart to Taehyung's light, airy giggles.

"So, what did you want to discuss with me?" he asks, a small, amused smile curving his lips.

"How are you so sure I wanted to discuss something?" you challenge, lifting your chin an inch.

"Oh, so you came out here at midnight merely to bask in my charismatic presence?" he jokes, a wolfish grin on his face.

"Th-that's--- You really are impossible!" you exclaim, turning your head away as you feel your cheeks heat up.

"And you really are cute," he teases, "especially when you're all flustered like that."

"Stop saying weird things!"

V cocks an eyebrow, which for some reason makes him look more ridiculously... sexy?

"Since when has the truth been weird?"

He bends down to peer into your face.

'H-he's too close again!'

"Hmm..." he hums, "I guess you're not used to handsome men telling you that you're cute." He straightens back up, and you let go of the breath you didn't know you've been holding. "Well, you're going to have to get used to it now."

"Puh-lease," you roll your eyes, "who ever told you that you're handsome?"

V's knowing smirk makes you even more flustered.

'Ugh, who am I kidding? One would have to be blind not to recognize how handsome this man is!'

"I would have you know," you say in response to his smug silence, "I'm actually used to being called cute by a handsome guy."

"Oh?" he utters, eyebrow cocked once again. You will your cheeks not to turn red under his amused gaze.

"Yes! My best friend Seokjin, he's very handsome. And he calls me cute a lot!"

'There's no need to mention that Seokjin only calls me "cute" in a joking manner...'

"He has good taste," V says simply, "No wonder you're best friends."

All of a sudden, he turns towards the windows once more, gazing out towards the night. Biting your lip, you step beside him, surreptitiously studying his (perfect) profile. His eyes have a faraway look in them, and you know his thoughts have drifted somewhere you can't reach. For a long while, you stand together, side-by-side, in silence that is surprisingly... comfortable.

Then, V breaks the stillness.

"The city looks beautiful at night, doesn't it?"

You follow his gaze out towards the skyline. You look out at the city lights, at the stars punctuating the darkness. It is beautiful in its own way.

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