Chapter VI. Sweet Night

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"Taehyung, is it okay if we just order dinner from FoodKoala tonight?" you mumble, collapsing face-first onto the couch.

Taehyung seats himself on the living room floor, and you wonder, slightly hurt, why he won't sit on the couch with you. Then, you realize it's because you're lying flat on the couch, face down, taking up all the space on it, so you haul yourself up, rather ungracefully, to a sitting position.

"If you want, I can just cook for you while you rest your feet," he offers, peering up at you with those large, large eyes, through impossibly long lashes.

"Are you good at cooking?" you ask, with genuine curiosity.

A light blush blooms on Taehyung's cheeks.

"Well... no," he admits.

You almost laugh, but manage to hold it back to save Taehyung's pride.

"It might be a better idea to order takeout for tonight," you say, kindly, so as to take any sting out of the rejection, "How do you feel about hamburgers for dinner?"

This brightens Taehyung up.

"I love hamburgers," he declares happily, but then, suddenly frowning, asks, "but is that what you want to eat?"

You're starting to learn that Taehyung's moods are like quicksilver.

"I've actually been craving hamburgers for a few days now," you reassure him, and it's the truth.

"All right, burgers it is!" Taehyung chirps, "But tomorrow we eat what you like, okay?"

"Yup!" You pull up FoodKoala on your phone, "Ordering now..." a few more taps, "aaaand done!"

You push yourself up from the couch, and turn to Taehyung, "Let's put our groceries away, then let's get you settled."


You and Taehyung make short work of putting the groceries away in the fridge and cup boards.

'For some reason it feels like the two of us have been doing this together for years.'

The thought makes you inexplicably giddy.

"Taehyung, can you please fetch the futon from the bottom shelf of that cabinet?" you request, gesturing across the living room, "I'll go get you some pillows and a blanket."

While Taehyung unrolls the futon, you rummage through your closet for the extra beddings you remember buying in a sale last month.

As you walk back to the living room with a pile of pillows and a comforter, your phone vibrates.

You plop everything down onto the futon and check your phone.

"Ah, the food's here. I'll go pick it up."

As if on cue, Taehyung's stomach growls audibly, and his cheeks flush once more in embarrassment.

"I guess all that shopping made me hungry," he says, tugging at the curls spilling over his forehead.

This time you don't hold back your laughter, and Taehyung joins in.


You return to see Taehyung sitting on the floor, the makeshift bed set up neatly beside him.

Suddenly, it hits you.

'I don't have a dining table!'

"Sorry, Taehyung... I've always eaten alone, so I never thought to buy a table..."

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