Chapter XXI. House of Cards

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The trek to the farm is longer than you had anticipated. Yoongi leads you up a hill and through a forest of sorts. As before, you trail closely behind Taehyung and Yoongi, who are walking side-by-side.

"I can already catch a whiff of the farm from here," you hear Taehyung telling Yoongi.

"Are you already starting to remember things?" Yoongi asks.

"No, but..." Taehyung answers, "I'm starting to feel... I don't know..."

"Scents are the best for triggering memories," Hobi says, drawing up beside the two Hybrids, "since they're the only sensations that travel a direct path to the emotion and memory centers in the brain."

"The olfactory bulb is directly connected to the amygdala and hippocampus, right?" Namjoon chimes in, overtaking you to walk beside Hobi.

"Exactly!" Hobi cries, looking delighted, "That's very good, Namjoon-ssi!" He beams at the HRA agent with pride.

"Thank you," Namjoon says, dimpling up at the psychologist, "I find such topics fascinating."

You shake your head in awe. These men are not only handsome, but smart as well.

After another couple of miles, you finally arrive at your destination.

"Here we are," Yoongi says, drawing to a stop.

You all stand beside an old farm house, obviously empty and fallen into disrepair.

"Yoongi-ssi," Jimin says, "did you say it's been abandoned all these years?"

Yoongi nods.

Hobi gazes at the house with wide, fearful eyes.

"Doesn't it give off a scary, haunted house-ish vibe?" he comments, voice shaking.

"Don't worry, hyung!" Jungkook tells Hobi, "I'll protect you!" He steps forward, a determined look on his face. "I'm going in first!"

"Wait," Yoongi says, "I think it's better to let Taehyung go in on alone first. We wouldn't want to cloud up the existing scents in there with our own."

"Yoongi-ssi is right," Namjoon agrees, "We need to preserve the integrity of the scents inside."

Taehyung looks back and forth between the two.

"I don't want to go in alone, though..." he tells them, then turns to you. "[Y/N]ie, will you accompany me?"

"Are you sure, Tae?" you ask hesitantly, "My scent might interfere..."

"Please?" Taehyung pleads, reaching out to tug at your sleeve, "I really want you by my side through this."

"Yeah, okay," you say, caving in, because of course you're caving in, "I'll come with you."

"Taehyung-ah," Yoongi cuts in, "I really don't think you should take anyone with you."

Taehyung says nothing, just looks at his hyung with a wounded puppy-dog stare, widening his already large eyes and pouting slightly.

It doesn't even take three seconds.

"Fine," Yoongi huffs, "If you want to, go do it."

You're not surprised that Yoongi is extremely weak to Taehyung's puppy eyes.

"Careful in there," Seokjin tells you in a low voice, "Shout if you need help."

"It's an empty house, Seokjin-ah." You give your best friend a reassuring smile. "Don't worry."

He sighs.

"Of course I'll worry, brat."

You giggle.

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