Chapter V. HOME

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Sunday morning, the very first thing you do is check your email, still rubbing sleep crust out of your eyes.

Sunday morning, the very first thing you do is check your email, still rubbing sleep crust out of your eyes

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[ Good day!
This is to notify you that we have reviewed your application papers. All documents have been verified, and your adoption request has been approved.

Please proceed to the orphanage for the final step of the process.

Thanks and kind regards,
Homes for Hybrids. ]

You nearly hurl your phone across the room.

'Is this real??? Am I awake, or am I still dreaming?'

You pinch yourself.


'Okay, that hurt. Which means I'm not dreaming, which means... I need to get ready to pick Taehyung up from the orphanage!'

You take a quick shower, nearly slipping on the bathroom floor in your haste.

As you're about to step out the door, your phone vibrates.

It's a message sent from Hobi's personal number:

Hobi's messages put an extra bounce in your step as you walk down the hallway

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Hobi's messages put an extra bounce in your step as you walk down the hallway.

'This is it. This is really it!'


You arrive at the orphanage quicker than you were able to get your heart ready. Mainly because you wisely decided to get a cab this time around.

'My heart is beating so fast...'

You stand outside the gate for a moment, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.

You clutch the strap of your bag tightly with one hand, and open the gate with the other.

'Okay, here we go!'

Hobi's bright, cheery face greets you the moment you step into the lobby.

"Welcome to Homes for H--- oh, it's you, [Y/N]! Ready to pick Taehyung up?"

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