Chapter XXIII. Singularity

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You scan the pages, reading a few entries that catch your eye.



They've brought in a new subject, a panther Hybrid this time. I've been assigned to him, and...

Never in my entire life have I seen a creature so beautiful.

My days working in this dreary, joyless place just got a tiny bit more interesting.


I had to do some overtime today, and was the last one left in the lab.

The panther Hybrid... talked to me.

His voice was very deep and... surprisingly warm, full of humor, even in such a place, so devoid of warmth and happiness.

He introduced himself as Taegeun. Then he smiled at me, a big, blocky smile. Charming.


How he still manages to smile under these circumstances, I can not know.


'Is this Taegeun... Taehyung's father?'



I stayed late at the lab again, but on purpose, this time... so I can talk to Taegeun once more.

His amber eyes twinkled as he told me about his childhood, mouth stretching into that blocky smile that's quickly becoming familiar.

Could it be that he's using some sort of Hybrid ability on me? An ability that casts a spell of sorts, one that puts you under the Hybrid's thrall?

For how else could I explain how utterly charmed I am by this panther Hybrid--- no, by Taegeun.

But then again, it matters not. Hybrid ability or not... I am captivated.


There was so much blood today. And the screams...

I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this... All in the name of "science"???

How can I continue to stand by as Taegeun suffers?

I might slowly be going insane...


By this time tomorrow, we will finally be free of that wretched place!

We'll go somewhere really far and start anew, far away from this living hell.

I hope everything goes according to plan...


'Obviously their escape was successful... right?'



Today, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy: our precious Taehyung, light of our lives, our little bundle of joy.

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