Chapter XI. Jamais Vu

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You wake up with a light, bubbly feeling. Taehyung's hug last night was so healing, you worry you just might get addicted to it!

You check your phone, and are surprised to see a text message from Seokjin.

You check your phone, and are surprised to see a text message from Seokjin

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Your eyes widen, and you immediately dial Seokjin's number. He picks up midway through the first ring, as if he was just waiting for your call the entire time.

"Finally!" he exclaims, "I've been waiting for two hours!"

"What are you talking about? My phone says your message was from 15 minutes ago."

A pause.

"It felt like two hours to me," Seokjin insists, "Isn't that what matters? Anyway, I need your help!"

"With what?" you ask, worried, "What happened?"

"So last week, I sent out an application to a hotel out there in the city... I just received a response... They want me to come in for a job interview!"

"Isn't that... good news?" you ask, confused.

"Yes, but... the interview is this Saturday! It's really short notice."

You pinch the bridge of your nose. You should've known Seokjin's emergency isn't actually an emergency.

"So basically, you're asking if you can stay over at my place this weekend?" you deadpan.

"Yes! I knew you'd get me!" Seokjin sounds excited, but also a teensy bit smug.

"As long as you don't mind crashing on the couch? My apartment's pretty small, there's only one bedroom..."

"I don't mind even if I have to sleep on the floor," Seokjin says, dismissing your concerns, "I just need a place to stay."

"Well if you're okay with it, then you're very welcome to my home."

"You're the best, [Y/N]-ah!" Seokjin cheers, "I'll be arriving Friday night, okay?"

"Yup, see you! Take care on your way here!"

"Thanks, brat! I owe you one." You can almost imagine Seokjin's cheeky wink. "See yah!"

Seokjin ends the call and you shake your head.

'Seriously, calling me "brat" right after asking for a favor.' You get up from bed. 'I guess I should tell Taehyung we're having a guest---'

Your breath catches in your throat as a realization hits you: You still haven't told Seokjin about Taehyung!

You look down at your phone, wondering if you should call Seokjin to tell him... but decide to just worry about his reaction when he gets there.


You call out to Taehyung, who's busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

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