Chapter XVIII. Whalien 52

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Come next morning, you are greeted by... empty room.

Your heart drops to your stomach.

'Taehyung... Where's Taehyung???'

You search the living room.


You run into the kitchen.

'He's not here.'

You even go back to your bedroom in the off chance that you somehow, improbably, just missed him there.

'No, not here either.'

The bathroom is empty as well.

You end up back in the living room, helplessly looking around.

'In such a small apartment, where could he even hide?'

Your heart is trying its best to pound its way out of your chest. Your limbs feel heavy... but your head feels light. All of a sudden, you're finding it hard to breathe. Your vision narrows, and you stumble to the couch before you fall on the hard floor.

Then, you see it.

On the table by the couch, a plate of pancakes.

And a note.

"[Y/N]ie, I went out to get groceries since I noticed we were running out. I made pancakes for you before I left, so please eat them before going to work. See you tonight!
- Love, your Taetae"

Relief washes over you, softening your bones. Your knees give out, and you collapse onto the floor, not having made it to the couch.

Groceries. Taehyung just went out to do groceries.

He's coming back.

'He didn't leave me.'

Suddenly exhausted, you bury your face in your hands... and you cry.


You go to work with puffy eyes. Thankfully, your coworkers either don't care enough or are too polite to comment on it.

The morning goes by in a haze.

Lunchtime comes around, and you take the opportunity to give Seokjin a call in the once again empty break room. Your officemates sure love to eat out.

Seokjin picks up immediately.

"Hey, brat! What's up? Missed me?"


Seokjin's cheerful tone immediately shifts to once of concern.

"[Y/N], what's wrong?"

His soft inquiry, the kindness and care in his voice, is what finally pushes you over the edge. Tears spill over, streaming down your cheeks.

"S-so many things h-happened this w-week," you hiccup.

"Are you crying? Hey, it's okay." A frustrated sigh. "Dammit, I wish I could be there right now."

"N-no, it's f-fine," you tell him, "I just n-need someone to t-talk to."

"What happened, [Y/N]? Tell me," Seokjin prods gently. Then, when you don't respond, he adds, "Is it about Taehyung?"

You don't quite know how to answer, just because there's so much, far too much that you fear you won't be able to explain properly, so you choose silence.

"[Y/N]-ah? I know you're still on the line. I can hear you sniffling, you know?" Seokjin huffs. "Answer me."

After a final moment of hesitation, you finally say, "Y-yes... It is."

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