Chapter XV. The Truth Untold

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"Ah, [Y/N]ie!" Taehyung cries as you step out into the living room, "You're up early today! I haven't started on breakfast yet."

"It's fine Taetae," you console him, "I'll just have some cereal."

"Just cereal?" Taehyung huffs. "No, that's not good enough!" He starts turning towards the kitchen. "I'll start making breakfast now!"

"I might be late for work, though..." you say hesitantly.

"But it's Sunday!" Taehyung declares, puzzled. "Why are you going to work today?"

"Taetae, it's Monday today," you correct him distractedly, brushing past him to get the milk from the fridge.

"Huh? Yesterday was Saturday," Taehyung mutters to himself, "so today is Sunday." He turns to you, giggling. "[Y/N]ie, it's not Monday until tomorrow. You're being funny!"

Taehyung's statement stops you cold.

'Oh no, that's right! V took over all of yesterday, so for Taehyung... It's like yesterday didn't happen at all.'

You turn back towards Taehyung and see him consulting his phone.

"That's weird," he says, face scrunched up in a frown, "even my phone says it's Monday today." He looks up at you with wide eyes. "[Y/N]ie, could it be... I'm starting to go crazy?"

You shake your head, not knowing the right thing to say.

'This is all my fault! I need to tell Taetae the truth!' But then, you remember Hobi's request. 'Ugh, okay I'll talk to Hobi first, then tell Tae.'

Then, all of a sudden, Taehyung sways, the same way V did the day before. You reach out and grab his shoulders in an attempt to steady him.


Taehyung clutches at his head.

"Haaa..." he gasps, "My head hurts... What's happening..."

You're near tears at this point.

'WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo?'

"Taetae, come on, I'll take you to the hospital."

"D-don't worry about me," Taehyung tells you in a strained voice. You shake your head again, even though he couldn't see since his eyes are shut tight against the pain.

"Tae... you're obviously not okay! Come on..." you try to gently tug him towards the door, but he resists.

"I don't want you to be late for work because of me," he says, opening his eyes and giving you his best attempt at a bright smile, "I'll be fine."

"I can take an emergency leave today," you insist, "I can't leave you like this."

Taehyung takes a deep breath and straightens up.

"Seriously, I'm fine. I'm feeling better already." He gently takes your hands off of his shoulders and places them by your sides. "I'll feel even worse if you have to miss work because of me." He shoots you another smile then shuffles towards the couch. "I'll just... take a nap for a bit. I'm sure I'll feel okay after a nap."


"Please, [Y/N]ie. Don't worry about me," Taehyung pleads from where he's already lying on the couch, "Don't worry about me. I'll just nap, then I'll be back to 100%."

"Okay..." you say, feeling like you have no choice but to give in, "if that's what you want... But if you're not feeling better when you wake up, call me! Okay?"

"Yeap, I will," Taehyung responds, eyes already falling shut, "Have a nice day at work, [Y/N]ie."

As you watch Taehyung doze off, you simply stand in the middle of the living room, feeling helpless.

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