Chapter XVI. DNA

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< CW: Discussions of murder and genocide. >

You're surprised to find Taehyung still asleep when you step out.

'He must be absolutely exhausted.'

Your fingers itch to brush away the hair spilling over his forehead, but you're afraid your touch might wake him up. With a small sigh, you turn away and trudge over to the fridge.

'Second morning in a row eating cereal for breakfast, then.'

Even though Taehyung's cooking is far from great (probably not even good if you're being honest), breakfast with him has been the highlight of your mornings since that fateful day two weeks ago when you brought him home from the orphanage.

'Perhaps I've gotten spoiled without realizing it...'

All of a sudden, it's like you no longer know a life without Taehyung in it, almost as if your life is now divided into two parts: before Taehyung, and since.


You can't help but worry about Taehyung all morning at work once more. He hasn't texted you all morning, but you're reluctant to be the first to message him. Lunch time rolls around and you anxiously check your phone again. You find a message from Jungkook instead.

 You find a message from Jungkook instead

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'A random visitor, huh?'

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'A random visitor, huh?'

Immediately, the image of a tall stranger with a ball cap pulled low over half his face flashed in your mind.

'Could it be that guy? Should I warn Taehyung?'

Your fingers hover over your phone screen.

'Why am I hesitating?'

You know Taehyung doesn't know about the guy seemingly following you around when you went out with V, but you can explain it to him. You shake your head.

'This is stupid. I shouldn't be so nervous. I'm just texting Taehyung.'


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