Chapter XX. Inner Child

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"Random people keep recognizing me whenever we're out," Taehyung whispers to you, "Is this what being famous feels like?"

The cat Hybrid's sensitive ears pick up Taehyung's comment.

"Random?" he exclaims, looking offended, "Taehyung-ah... Don't you recognize me?" At Taehyung's head shake, the cat Hybrid adds, "It's your Yoongi-hyung." Yoongi scratches the back of his head, a perplexed look on his face. "It's only been seven years... I didn't change that much, right?" He sighs. "Seriously, how many black cat Hybrids with mismatched eyes do you even know?"

You look at Yoongi's bright blue left eye, and his right eye that's a scarlet red, and think that this probably is uncommon, even among cat Hybrids.

"Uhh, Yoongi-ssi?" Namjoon says, catching Yoongi's attention. "My name is Kim Namjoon, an agent sent out by the Hybrid Rights Association." Namjoon smiles, flashing those charming dimples, but Yoongi just eyes him warily. "If you could spare us some of your time, we can explain everything to you. And we would also like to ask you some questions, if that's alright."

Yoongi stares at Namjoon at length, as if measuring the agent. Then, finally, he responds.

"Fine. But I'm only doing this for Taehyung, and not for anyone else." Yoongi glances around. "This neighborhood is a nosy one." He starts walking away, gesturing for all of you to follow. "Let's talk somewhere more private."


"You're so much taller than me now, Taehyung-ah," you hear Yoongi tell Taehyung as they walk side-by-side.

None of you really know where the cat Hybrid is taking you, but you all decide to put your trust in him. After all, you don't have much of an alternative at the moment. This is as good a lead as you could have asked for, and you're definitely following it.

"How old was I when you last saw me, hyung?" Taehyung asks Yoongi.

"I think you were 18 or 19 at the time," Yoongi responds.

You're walking right behind the two Hybrids, and you surreptitiously study the newest addition to your group. You find yourself having to squint your eyes at the sunlight reflecting off of his porcelain skin. You wonder if all cat Hybrids have skin this pure, or if it's just Yoongi.

Everyone seems to be staring at your little group as you walk past. You bet that if you tell them these boys are a newly formed idol group, and that you're their manager, they would believe you, no questions asked.

Suddenly realizing you're surrounded by seven insanely good-looking men, you regret not putting more effort into your looks that morning.


"Welcome to my humble abode," Yoongi says, leading you all into a small but neat studio-type apartment. The furnishings are very spare, and quite monochrome. Somehow, you feel like it suits the cat Hybrid living in it. "Make yourselves at home..." he adds, as you pile around the living area.

"I will, thank you!" Jimin chirps, promptly hopping into the bed tucked into one corner of the room, draping himself across the mattress comfortably.

"...but not too much," Yoongi finishes, glaring at Jimin pointedly. Jimin takes the hint and scooches himself to the edge of the bed, sitting primly.

"Anybody want something to drink?" Yoongi offers.

"Hyung! Do you have lemon kombucha?" Jungkook asks.

"What do you think?" Yoongi asks back

"Y...e...s...?" Jungkook responds uncertainly, looking at Yoongi's expression for clues.

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