Chapter XIII. Moon

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As promised, V is gone by the time you wake up. You feel relieved, yet oddly disappointed at the same time. Perhaps, somehow, you already miss his warmth next to you.


"[Y/N]ie! Seokjin-hyung is cooking breakfast for us!" is Taehyung's greeting to you the moment you step out of your room. A savory aroma reaches your nose, and you pad over to the source.

"You're making jjajangmyeon?" you ask Seokjin as you look over his shoulder at what he's making.

"Taehyungie told me it's his favorite," Seokjin says while expertly tossing the noodles. "When else can he have real, non-instant jjajangmyeon made with love and skill?" Seokjin throws you a playful look, and you adopt an offended expression.

"Hey! I can also---" you start to say, then decide to admit defeat, "Okay, you're right. I can only make instant jjajangmyeon... instant most things, if we're being honest here."

"It smells so good, hyung!" Taehyung chirps from just behind you. It seems he's decided to join you and Seokjin in the already cramped kitchen. You inch your way out to make space and happen to catch a glimpse of the wall clock.

"Wait, Seokjin-ah! Aren't you going to be late for your interview?" you ask Seokjin.

"Why, are you in a hurry to send me away?" he pouts, "Don't you miss my cooking at all?"

"I just don't want to affect your chances of getting that job and moving here!"

"Don't worry," he says, chuckling, "I have enough time. Now..." Seokjin takes the pan off of the stove. "Let's eat!"

Taehyung delightedly eyes the steaming noodles as Seokjin takes the pan to the dining table.

"Hyung!" he squeals, "Can you stay forever?"

Seokjin looks at you and winks. For a brief moment, you envy Taehyung's candidness. If only you also had the courage to say it out loud...

'Seokjin-ah, I also wish you would stay.'


While Seokjin is at his interview, you and Taehyung decide to drop by the rice cake shop to visit Taehyung's friend Jimin.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung cries as you enter the shop.

"Taehyungie! You're back!"

At the cash register is a blonde boy who looks to be about Taehyung's age. The very first thing that strikes you is just how pretty he is, with his delicate features and those puffy lips that seem to be in a permanent pout.

'This is Taetae's Jiminie??? He's prettier than most girls I know!'

"I thought you already forgot about me," he teases Taehyung good-naturedly.

"Forget my soulmate? Never!" Taehyung declares vehemently. Then, he gestures towards you. "Jiminie, this is [Y/N]ie, the person who adopted me."

"I heard a lot about you from Hobi-hyung," Jimin tells you, "It's nice to finally meet you!"

"Ah, Taetae has also told me a lot about you," you respond, returning his wide smile, "I'm happy we finally met!"

"I hope he only said good things!" Jimin says, eyes disappearing into two crescent shapes.

"Well, actually..." you decide to joke back, and Jimin's eyes widen comically.

"Yah, Taehyung-ah!" Jimin fake-scolds Taehyung, "What have you been saying about me?"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," you quickly say upon seeing Taehyung's flustered expression, "Taetae only sings you praises."

Jimin's giggles shake his entire body.

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