Chapter X. Shadow

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You're jittery all morning, barely able to focus on work. The double shot of espresso you had that morning might be a factor, although you know that it's mostly because of your impending conversation with Hobi.

You've decided to give him a call during your lunch break. In your mind, you're already practicing what to tell him, over and over.

'Can't it just be 12:00 already? I just want this over with!'


Lunch time finally rolls around and you head straight to the break room. Thankfully, your officemates like to eat out during lunch, and today is no exception. You have the room all to yourself.

Heart racing, you dial Hobi's number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, what's up?" he greets, voice tinged with worry, "Is everything fine?" You realize that he probably thinks you're calling instead of texting because something happened.

"Yes, everything's fine," you quickly assure him, "I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"This is about V, isn't it?" Hobi replies quickly.

"H-how did you know?"

"Well, it was bound to come up sooner or later."

"I guess you're right," you agree, "So, the thing is---"

"Wait!" Hobi cries, cutting you off, "I think this is something we should discuss in person. Would you be able to drop by the orphanage after work?"

"S-sure..." you answer, thrown a bit off guard by Hobi's request.

"Great, I'll see you then," Hobi says, "Please take care."

You end the call and sigh.

'I guess I'm going to the orphanage today.' 

You pull up Taehyung's number on your phone and decide to shoot him a message letting him know that you'll be home late.

You pull up Taehyung's number on your phone and decide to shoot him a message letting him know that you'll be home late

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'I wonder why Hobi doesn't want to discuss over the phone... Maybe he also has something important to say?' You chew on your lower lip. 'I'm nervous, but I'm really curious too! What things... will be revealed today?'


"Ah, right on time!"

Hobi's cheerful voice greets you as you enter the orphanage.

"I know Taehyung is waiting for you," he says, gesturing at you to follow him as he walks towards the hallway, "so let's make it as quick as possible. Let's go to one of the screening rooms so we can talk privately."

You're definitely still feeling nervous, but Hobi's calm, easygoing vibe puts you a little more at ease.

"Looks like everything's going well with you and Taehyung," he begins once you're both settled into your respective seats. "From what I saw during my visit, you've quickly established an easy rapport, and it all feels very natural. Taehyung seems to feel completely at home already."

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