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"Ishu wake up it's already 7 in the morning" a beautiful lady was trying to wake her cute little son "mummy can I sleep for a little more" Ishan said giving his mummy puppy eye "Ishu you only said that I should wake you up because u and Adi are going somewhere" Ishan's mummy said and stood up from the bed to leave. After hearing what his mother said Ishan woke and said "mummy you should have told me earlier I forgot that me and Adi have to go somewhere" Ishan said rubbing his eyes "aww my son you are not late you can still fresh up and go out with Adi" Ishan's mother said and ruffled his hair "you are right mummy i will fresh up and come downstairs" and he ran towards the bathroom to fresh up. Ishan's mother chuckled and went downstairs to prepare the breakfast

After Ishan freshens up he went downstairs to eat his breakfast and saw his father reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of tea "good morning papa" Ishan went towards his father and hugged him. "son you're awake" Ishan's father asked him while hugging him as well "yes papa I'm going out with Adi" Ishan said sitting on his chair "are you and Adi again going around the village to save animals" Ishan's father asked looking at him "yes papa me and Adi are going around the village to save animals" Ishan said excitingly

"son don't you think you have bought enough stray animals in our house" as Ishan's father was saying something jumped on him and licked his hand

"Ash come here" Ishan called his puppy who he saved from the road and after listing to Ishan's voice Ash jumped on Ishan leaving his father "aish he is getting very naughty" Ishan's father said but still smiled and rubbed Ash's head who barked and...

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"Ash come here" Ishan called his puppy who he saved from the road and after listing to Ishan's voice Ash jumped on Ishan leaving his father "aish he is getting very naughty" Ishan's father said but still smiled and rubbed Ash's head who barked and wagged his tail happily "see papa if we didn't saved Ash that day he wouldn't have been alive and you're telling me that it's enough" Ishan said looking a little sad and slowly rubbing Ash's head who was nuzzling his head in Ishan's hand and also licking it to show affection "aish I'm sorry Ishan I shouldn't have said that you can save and bring more animals if you want and i will make a new shelter for them in our backyard if the old one is not enough"

"Thank you papa for letting me bring them home and also letting me take care of them" Ishan said hugging his father "no problem my son now eat the breakfast and go meet your animals in the backyard" "okey papa" Ishan ate his breakfast and went in his backyard to feed his pet animals that he and Adi saved

on the other hand someone woke up at 1 in the afternoon because he was busy partying whole night with his friends

"young master wake up it's 1 in the afternoon" the maid said removing the curtains from the window "you bitch how dare you disturb my sleep get lost" Shubman said and again went back to sleep

"young master wake up it's 1 in the afternoon" the maid said removing the curtains from the window "you bitch how dare you disturb my sleep get lost" Shubman said and again went back to sleep

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after sometime shubman's mother entered the room "shubman wake up it's 1 in the afternoon" "mom go away let me sleep" silence...silence..silen-- "WAKE UP YOU FREAKING BRAT" Shubman's father shouted at him after entering the room

Shubman woke up and said "what do you want from me" "wake up it's 1 in the afternoon and you are still sleeping" Shubman's father said getting more irritated looking at him "Listen let me sleep I'm tired" Shubman said getting frustrated "if you sleep till this late and be irresponsible you think i will give you my company" "you don't have to worry about your company i will take care of it" Shubman said and looked at his father "you think i will give you my company get up and go to the company and if you don't then forget about this company" Shubman's father said smirking at him "Dad you can't do that" Shubman said getting "it is my company so obviously i can"

Shubman's father after saying that went outside and Shubman went inside the bathroom to fresh up "I don't know how he became like this we gave him everything he asked for and he was such a good boy few years ago what happened to him" Shubman's mother said as she started crying slowly "darling don't cry I can understand you feelings but don't cry" Shubman's father said trying to calm his wife down "no it's all my fault whenever you tried to scold him for something he did I always stopped you never let you scold him and even when you didn't wanted to spoil him I was the one who spoiled him" Shubman's mother said hugging her husband "pagli it's not your fault you just loved him so much and he took advantage of your love and i know because of whom he became like this" as Shubman's father continued to speak he heard footsteps so he said his wife to wipe her tears and act normal. Shubman entered the living room fixing his suit

"I'm going to the company and i will retune home late" " and why will you return home late" Shubman's father asked him "because I'm meeting my friends in the club" shubman said and started walking towards the exit "son wait eat something" Shubman'...

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"I'm going to the company and i will retune home late" " and why will you return home late" Shubman's father asked him "because I'm meeting my friends in the club" shubman said and started walking towards the exit "son wait eat something" Shubman's mother asked him with hope in her eyes "no not interested" Shubman said and went out

after Shubman left his mother started to cry again "darling stop crying" Shubman's father tried to console his wife but she was not calming down "why did you let me go to those devils who he calls friends" "honey if I stopped him without any reason he will do it without caring" "i want my son back I want my Shubi back" Shubman's mother said and continued crying "I promise you honey you will get your shubi back I Promise"

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