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"Kiara this will be your room and Lana you can take the room next to Kiara's" Ishan said to Kiara and Lana while guiding both of them to the room "don't worry Ishan we both can share the room" Kiara said and Lana nodded "but you can have separate rooms" Ishan said getting confused "Lana will be comfortable staying with me this place is new for her so I don't want her to feel uncomfortable" Kiara and smiled towards Lana who smiled back at her "oh okey then it settled you both can share the room our room is at the end of the hall and Siddharth's room is on the other end" Ishan said and explained everything to them "okey then I will get going for now you guys fresh up and you guys can find me in my room if you need anything then call me ok" Ishan said and left the room so both the girls could fresh up and take some rest

It is now the evening and the whole family is outside and enjoying their time Ishan, Shubham, Siddharth, Kiara and Lana were sitting and chatting together and laughing at the jokes when Adi and Arjun joined them as usual Sid ignored Adi and kept talking with Shubman "Hi everyone I'm Adi and this is my Fiancé Arjun" Adi introduced himself and Arjun "oh you are the bride and groom right congratulations" Kiara said and stood up to wish both of them "congratulations" Lana said without looking at them and Arjun is continuously looking at Lana but she didn't look up at him

Adi and Arjun both sat down and started having convos with them "Sid I'm glad you are staying for the wedding" Arjun said showing his great fullness "no problem dude I'm also glad to attend your wedding" Sid said and Smiled at Arjun who smiled back and here Adi is continuously looking at Sid but Siddharth didn't spare a glance at him "Kiara and Lana do you know me and Adi are childhood best friends" Ishan said and pulled Adi closer "oh really that's so nice" Kiara said and Lana  nodded agreeing with her "you guys know me and Siddharth are also childhood friends" Kiara said with a big smile on her face "you guys were past lovers also so don't just say childhood best friends" Lana said and Wiggled her eyebrows "oh shut up Lana" Kiara said and started blushing

"Kiara" Siddharth called her and she looked and saw him with a glass of soft drink "here take it I know you are Thirsty" Siddharth said handing the glass to her and she took it while mumbling a small thanku "awww he is soo attentive towards you" Ishan said in a high pitch voice "Ishu here take it" Shubman said forwarding the soft drink glass to Ishan and he had one more glass which he offered to Lana while all this is going on Adi is watching everything without saying a word

"Accha tell me everything about this past lover thing" Ishan asked Kiara who blushed "Ishan I can't" She said with a soft smile on her face "whyyy Kiara tell me na" Ishan said to Kiara who continued blushing "arr understand Ishan she is shy" Lana said with a teasing smile on her face and as she finished her sentence Adi stood up and went away towards his room as Adi went away Ishan Kiara and Lana all three of them smirked the cliche plan of making him Jealous is working Sid doesn't know about this 

Siddharth is joking and laughing around with Shubman and other uncles when he saw Adi suddenly going away but he didn't said anything and ignored it and here Lana Kiara and Ishan started thinking what else they can do to push Adi's buttons and he stops acting like an idiot and accept his feelings for Sid 

it was sometime later when everyone decided that they will go and sleep now as it was getting late and tomorrow is Mehendi ceremony and everyone need to wake up early for it as everyone is going towards there room someone pulled Lana in the corner "what the fuck are you doing here huh" the person whispered shouted at her and Lana shove that person "I came here to see everything in my own eyes and to know the truth which I did" Lana said with anger in her voice "you are misunderstanding Lana it's not what it looks like" the person said trying to hold Lana's hand when she pulled her hand away "stop lying Arjun you didn't said anything about you getting married left me there in dark and I'm misunderstanding it how can you be such an asshole huh" Lana said with her eyes tearing up a little she didn't knew her boyfriend for 4 years is getting married and without even letting her know "you were gonna get married and then go to me were you planning of two timing me and Adi" Lana accused Arjun who is taken aback by the accusation 

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