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After all those naughty naughty things Ishan and Shubman were cuddling each other "I don't know what to say I'm sorry you had to take all those bullshits from Anaisha" Shubman said and kissed Ishan's forehead "leave it Sid was there with me the whole time to handle her" Ishan said and snuggle close to Shubman "but still you should have said everything to me" Shubman sad and pulled Ishan closer "just forget about it Shubi come on carry me to the bathroom I need to fresh up and you also have to fresh up" Ishan said sitting up and tugging on Shubman "ok let me carry you" Shubman said and carried Ishan towards the bathroom in bridal style 

after taking a shower and cleaning up everything Ishan is sitting in the living room with Anushka and Sid and Shubman is in the garden taking some important calls "you told him everything" Sid gasped and Anushka smacked his head "quit Siddharth or they will hear you" Anushka said and looked around while Sid rubbed his head were Anushka smacked him "yeah I did it was too much and he had to see her true colors I don't want to have any misunderstanding between us which can break our marriage" Ishan said looking serious "aww my Ishu grew up so well I'm good teacher I know" Siddharth said it in a over dramatic way 

"how many time I have said this to you he is not your Ishu so stop saying my Ishu he is only mine not yours" Shubman said and sat beside Ishan "ohh brother is being possessive" Anushka wiggled her eyebrows towards Ishan and Shubman and Ishan blushed while Shubmanb kissed him on his cheek "hey do this romantic shit somewhere else I'm single can't you see" Sid said and made a gagging face like he is throwing up 

as this is going on someone is noticing everything and that is Anaisha. she is not sure if she will be able to snatch Shubman from Ishan but one thing she knows she will not give up she will again try something with Shruti to break this marriage 

Shubman and Ishan were in the garden and spending time with each other here Sid and Anushka were planning to break Anaisha's and Shruti's friendship. so after all the planning they went towards Shruti 

"he shruti listen" Anushka said "what do you guys want" Shruti said giving them suspicious eyes "do you remember how you liked Rahul in the collage and when you proposed to him he made fun of you and the next day was in a relationship with Anaisha" Siddharth said as he knows Shruti is still not over Rahul "yeah I remember but why are you bringing this up now" Shruti asked to Sid "because it was Anaisha who was behind all this she went to rahul and said how you liked him and she also said many lies about your character and all and then she said that if Rahul makes fun of you infront of the whole collage then she will be in a relationship with him" Siddharth said dropping a whole bomb on Shruti

"what.. no she will never do that why she will do that guys are lie just so you could split us right" Shruti said not understanding what is happening "she did it because you remember right Rahul was a popular student she didn't wanted you to shadow her so she did all this and about the believing thing I have Rahul's number he will conform everything" Sid said and went away with Anushka "Anaisha is such a bitch like she did that to her friend" Anushka said to Siddharth "Shruti was always a good friend to Anaisha but Anaisha was a sorry is a bitch till this date" Siddharth said and looked down he didn't reveled anything that time because if he did then Shruti will be broken but why now because he had to do anything to save his Ishu and if that means reaving a secret which he never thought he will revel then that be it 

after hearing all this Shruti marched towards Anaisha's room "Anaisha you fucking bitch" Shruti said and slammed the door open "bitch are you mad or what" Anaisha shouted as she got scared by the sudden outburst "you are the bitch here huh why did you do that with Rahul you knew how much I loved him and it was not because of his popularity or money I genuinely loved him and you ruined everything" Shruti shouted and tears started flowing out her eyes "what.. what how" Anaisha is shocked how did Shruti found out about that "Sid told me everything you bitch you did that so I don't date someone popular because you were not getting Shubman's attention" Shruti shouted once again "Shruti calm down do you think I will do that can't you see Sid is doing it on purpose so he could split us and we loss and that bitch wins try to understand their scam if he was so concerned why didn't he said those things that time why now because he is making up stories" Anaisha said and smiked as she got a good point 

"he said if I don't believe him Rahul is their to conform everything" Shruti said and looked down "they will pay Rahul to say all this why can't you understand" Anaisha said and Shruti looked up and believed Anaisha who smirked in victory because she successful manipulated Shruti 

and on the other side this unholy kids again started with their thing don't they get tired 

and on the other side this unholy kids again started with their thing don't they get tired 

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*guyss I have posted the story OH...NO go check it out no official chapter has been posted but other things like characters and dedication have been uploaded so please go and check out the characters of this book I think you'll will love it and I will update the book sooner*

*when I say you'll will love the characters I mean it*

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