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after last nights incident all were in their room. Ishan and Shubman were also inside there room chilling after sometimes everyone came downstairs in the living room to chill 

Anaisha and Shruti walked inside the living room. They also returned last night and stayed at their room. Shubman ignored them and went inside the kitchen to get some juice Sid couldn't understand how Anaisha and shruti were so shameless 

Anaisha went towards Ishan "why did you tell him everything huh" Anaisha said while glaring at Ishan "he is my husband so he has the right to know everything" Ishan said and glared at Anaisha 

"you were scared that I will take away your husband and that Shubman will fall in love with me and not you because I'm way more beautiful and sexy" Anaisha said and smirked "if you think that then shall I call Shubman and ask him about this" as Ishan finished his sentence Shubman entered with a glass of juice and looked at both Anaisha and Ishan

"Shubman come here Anaisha wants to ask you something" Sid said and smirked at Anaisha as she glared at him "what do you want to say" Shubman said and handed the glass to Ishan and motioned him to drink it and Ishan drinks half of the juice "what do you want to say" Shubman asks again as Anaisha doesn't answer and took the glass from Ishan's hand as Ishan doesn't want to drink it anymore and drank the juice in one go 

"I....I....It's nothing" Anaisha said and started sweating "no you said that how Shubman will leave Ishan and come to you because you are more beautiful" Anushka said and threw Anaisha under the bus "Anaisha can you stop all this nonsense this is getting annoying as fuck how many times do I have to say this I'm not interested in you and will never leave Ishan for you or for anyone" Shubman said and pulled Ishan by his waist and back hugged him 

"why why huh why are you going this, why do you like this bitch from the village and not me he is not close to my standards and you choose him over me" Anaisha said and glared at Shubman "Shut the fuck up Anaisha you cannot compare yourself with Ishan you are no match to him and if his standards are so low then why are you staying at his house huh don't you have your own house" Shubman said as he is getting irritated with this bullshit 

"it's not his house it's your house" Anaisha said confidently  (why are you confident huh bitch)      "who said it's my house it's Ishan's house this house is bought in Ishan's name and everything we own is now Ishan as well so who is one with low standards now" Shubman said and looked at Ishan who is looking at him as well 

as all this is going on the doorbell rang the maid went to open the door and mama and papa gill enters the living room "what is going on here" papa gill asks as he can sense the tension in the room "oh it's nothing" Shubman said and Ishan and Anushka ran towards mama and papa gill Anushka went towards mama gill and hugged her and Ishan went towards papa gill and hugged him "I missed you soo much dad" Ishan said and papa gill slowly patted his head "I missed you too son Shubman didn't do anything right" Papa gill asked and Ishan smiled "no he didn't he is very nice and he take cares of me"

after Ishan and Anushka were done clinging from both the parents mama and papa gill went towards the others "don't you have a home or something and don't you know you should give some space to newly weeded couples" Mama gill said to Anaisha and Shruti who looked down being embarrassed "go and pack your bags and get out of my sons house" mama Gill said and went towards Sid who was now scared because he thought that he will also get scolding but that never happened but he felt someone patting his head he opened his eyes and saw mama Gill smiling at him 

"I know what you did for Ishan you were always there for him thank you for being my sons friend and taking care of him" mama gill said because she knows how Sid was with Ishan as the maid use to inform everything to her and that's how she got to know how Sid was helping Ishan and protecting Ishan from there two people that's why she send Anushka to help Sid because she knew it was getting hard to control this two shameless womens 

"why are you still standing I said get out of the house" mama gill said and looked at Anaisha and Shruti who ran towards their room to pack their bags "and you why are you not picking up Adi's calls huh" mama gill said and went towards Shubman and twisted his ears "arr mom I was busy" Shubman said trying to come up with any excuse "you were not I know everything" mama gill said looked at Ishan "what Adi called you why didn't you inform me" Ishan asked Shubman who looked everywhere and not at Ishan he just didn't wanted Ishan to go back to the village

"Ishan Adi called because he is getting married and invited everyone in his wedding" mama gill said to Ishan "what he is getting married then we should leave early" Ishan said to mama gill who nodded "we are leaving today you alll have an hour to pack everything go and pack fast and Sid you are also coming" Mama gill said and smiled at Sid "okey aunty" Sid said and ran towards his room to pack his bag "but mom why do we have to go" Shubman asked "we have to go because he is Ishan best friend now go and pack your bag" papa gill said and Shubman went towards his room without argument 

as Shubman entered the room he saw Ishan packing excitedly he went towards Ishan and back hugged him "do we have to go Ishu" Shubman asked Ishan "yes obviously we have to go he is m best friend" Ishan excited said and turned towards Shubman "ok ok I understand we are going and lets pack together" Shubman said and started helping Ishan in the packing 

*ok finally a update I'm sorry for not updating I was just exhausted so I couldn't write and update Ik this chapter is a little boring but this chapter is needed so that's why I added so read it and tell me how was it"               


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