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"what do you mean by that Ishan" Sid asked Ishan because he got confused by what Ishan said "you know I meant by that I will help you in pursuing Adi but you have to be true and open about your feelings towards him so he can understand that you also have feelings for him" Ishan said and look towards Adi who is calling Ishan to join him for the dance "but he is getting married Ishan and you are saying all this standing in his haldi ceremony" Sid said as he doesn't want to ruin the wedding "shut up Sid can't you see he is not happy with the marriage he just doing this because of his parents but leave all this let's join Adi" Ishan said and dragged Sid towards Adi

"Ishu come here and dance with me" Adi called Ishan who went towards him while dragging Sid with him "so are you enjoying the haldi" Ishan asked Adi who is looking at Sid and Sid is also looking at Adi "I asked you something Adi" Ishan asked and shooked Adi he saw the staring competition but didn't say anything now "oh yeah I'm obviously it's my wedding" Adi said and smiled towards Ishan

"But where is your groom I didn't saw him once" Ishan said and looked around because he knew whoever the groom was he wouldn't be as handsome as Sid and boi he was wrong "oh he was out of India for a few days he returned today only for our haldi ceremony" Adi said and started looking around for his groom "ohh there he is waiting let me call him ARJUN COME HERE" Adi said and called the said groom when Ishan and Sid turned to look at whome Adi just called "fuck.." Ishan said and followed by Sid with "I'm fucked"

Arjun came towards the trio "did you called me Adi" Arjun said and smiled at Adi who smiled back "yeah meet my friends this is Ishan and that is Sid" Adi said introducing both of them "hi I'm Ishan" Ishan said and forwarded his hand for a handshak...

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Arjun came towards the trio "did you called me Adi" Arjun said and smiled at Adi who smiled back "yeah meet my friends this is Ishan and that is Sid" Adi said introducing both of them "hi I'm Ishan" Ishan said and forwarded his hand for a handshake " I know you are the Ishu right" Arjun said and kissed the back of Ishan's hand and Sid pulled Ishan towards him "enough with the introduction I have somewhere to be and Shubman is calling you Ishan let's go" Sid said and dragged Ishan towards Shubman who is talking with Ishan's dad

"Bud you Ishu was flirting with Adi's groom" Sid said and went away "hey I wasn't SID why the heck did you lied" Ishan shouted at Sid and now he knows he is fucked. Ishan turned around and saw Shubman looking at him and Ishan's father long gone " um Shubi Sid was lying to you so he could get me in trouble" Ishan said and moved closer to Shubman who wrapped his arms around Ishan's waist "oh really you know what let's go back to our room I'm bored and I want to spend sometime with you" Shubman said and started walking while holding Ishan's hand

Ishan and Shubman entered there room changed into something comfy and are lying on the matress while hugging each other "so tell me what is up" Shubman asked Ishan who looked at him "nothing is up" Ishan said and looked down "you know right I can understand when that little brain of yours is cooking something" Shubham said and kissed Ishan's forehead "just something is going on which I don't know how to solve" Ishan said and sigh

"Is this about the tention between Sid and Adi" Shubman asked and Ishan stood up "wait what how do you know" Ishan asked Shubman "obviously because I'm smart" Shubham said and did a little hair flip "if you are so smart then help me to plan something" Ishan said and hugged Shubman "and what do I have to plan" Shubman asked Ishan and squeezed his ass "how to break this marriage and bring together Sid and Adi" Ishan said and looked at Shubman while slapping his chest "and do you think Adi wants it" Shubman asked and Ishan got Silent "did you asked Adi about all this"Shubman asked Ishan who shooked his head "then go and ask him about it then come to me for planning and all" Shubman said to Ishan who nodded

"Then let's leave Adi and Sid for other time now I want to explore you" Shubman said and got on top of Ishan

*Ik ik ik update is very late but what can I do my class started after just 2 weeks holiday and now I'm busy with my school let's see if I can update tomorrow.. I'm a little free so I will try no promises.. and also did you all miss me because I missed you all 💋💋*
*This update might have many errors because I have just written it very fast and uploaded it so you guys could get something so ignore it for now will be fixed later thank you 💋*

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