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*The Next Morning*

Shubman and Ishan are sleeping peacefully when Shubman felt something moving on his chest. when he opened his eyes he saw Ishan sleeping peacefully while having his cheeks pressed against Shubman's chest

Shubman smiled and poked Ishan's puffed up cheeks who whined because of the continuous poking. Ishan slowly opened his eyes and first thing he saw was Shubman's bare chest he blushed and slowly looked up and saw Shubman looking at him and smirking

Ishan's started blushing even more because of all the memories of last night and went inside the cover to hide himself from Shubman who also went inside the cover and hugged Ishan

"why are you hiding yourself I have already seen everything" Shubman said and again smirked at Ishan "shut up shubi" Ishan said while he slapped Shubman's chest who grabbed his wrist and pulled Ishan towards himself so not even air could pass between them

"you look hot when you blush and even hotter if you are blushing because of me" Shubman said pulled Ishan for a kiss who responded and kissed him back "stop saying those things Shubi" Ishan said between the kiss as he was getting more and more shy "let's go for another round" Shubman said and hover over while spreading his legs "n--no you did it till dawn I can't I think you broke my back" Ishan said and placed his hands on Shubman's chest to push him a little

Shubman smiled while thinking "yess finally I broke his back...I'm proud but now let's take care of this little man" It was like an achievement for him that he finally was able to break his Ishu's back

"ok you wait in the bed I will carry you to the bathroom" Shubman said and got off the bed and turned to find his pants. when Shubman turned and his back was fully visible to Ishan he gasped while looking at Shubman's back

"what happened" Shubman turned towards Ishan and looked at him to see if he is ok or not "you--your back" Ishan said and covered his mouth "my back" Shubman asked and went towards the mirror and saw the art work done by Ishan "ohh this" Shubman sa...

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"what happened" Shubman turned towards Ishan and looked at him to see if he is ok or not "you--your back" Ishan said and covered his mouth "my back" Shubman asked and went towards the mirror and saw the art work done by Ishan "ohh this" Shubman said and smiled at Ishan "did I do this" Ishan asked and looked down "I'm not hurt this is just your love Ishu so don't be sad" Shubman said and picked Ishan up "are you sure" Ishan asked and wrapped his arms around Shubman's neck

"I'm but you know I think I can't control" Shubman said and placed pinned Ishan on the shower "Shubi we can't do that here" Ishan said and his face turned red "obviously we can" Shubman said and kissed him "but I can't stand and you won't be able to carry me all this time" Ishan said trying to come up with any reason

Shubman smirked "did you forgot I work-out baby and I can easy carry you" Shubman said tightly wrapped Ishan's legs around his waist "now hold onto me and just enjoy" Shubman winked at Ishan who hugged him and hide his face in Shubman's neck

Shubman smirked "did you forgot I work-out baby and I can easy carry you" Shubman said tightly wrapped Ishan's legs around his waist "now hold onto me and just enjoy" Shubman winked at Ishan who hugged him and hide his face in Shubman's neck

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after the shower and Ahem---Ahem-----Ahem Shubman and Ishan are lying on the bed with Shubman just wearing shorts and Ishan wearing Shubman's shirt

after the shower and Ahem---Ahem-----Ahem Shubman and Ishan are lying on the bed with Shubman just wearing shorts and Ishan wearing Shubman's shirt

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they are cuddling and just being lovely dovey with each other. after spending the whole morning and afternoon together they went downstairs in the evening. Ishan made eye contact with Anushka and Sid who smirked towards him and he started blushing

"omg my Ishu baby is not innocent anymore" Sid said and smirked at him "shut up brat" Anushka smacked Sid and turned towards Ishan "you guys couldn't keep it down a little it was hard for me and Virat to sleep" Anushka said and gave a teasing smile to Ishan who was just dying here because of all the teasing

Shubman smiled at Ishan as he was looking really cute because of the blush but someone wasn't smiling at all she was devastated and angry "I don't think you have anymore chance Anaisha" Shruti said to Anaisha who looked at her and said "no I will not accept it you have to separate them you have to help me I want Shubman and that's clearly he was mine from the beginning but this whore stole him. he is mine and I will do anything for him" Anaisha said and went towards her room and shruti also followed her

*I was thinking about updating just 1 chapter of both the stories OH...NO and THE ROCKSTAR and then updating the rest after this story is finished.... you tell me should I do it or nah and one more thing if you guys are interested in bl books then I have one recommendation read GOD OF FURY by Rina Kent. I read this book a week ago and still can't get over it.. you can find the epub on z-library. do give it a shot it's actually really good*

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