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All were inside their room packing "shubi I need a gift for Adi" Ishan said as he realized that he doesn't have a wedding gift for Adi so he went to ask for help from his Shubi "don't worry Ishu we will purchase a gift on the way" Shubman said and went back to packing the suitcases "but how I want to give him something nice" Ishan said and sat down on the bed and looked at Shubman for help 

"Ishan I said na we can purchase the gift on the way because their is a mall close by" Shubman said ruffled Ishan's hair "what do you think I should gift him" Ishan said thinking really hard "he is your friend you should know what to buy him" Shubman said and went towards the closet to get some cloths for Ishan 

"but what should I giv--- OHHH I have an idea Ishan you are so smart" Ishan said and patted his own shoulder to show how proud he is of himself for getting that idea "and what is the idea" Shubman asked while coming back with few cloths in his hand "I will gift Adi a pet animal" Ishan said with excitement "what.... then just give an animal from your zoo" Shubman said and went back to his work 

"shut up Shubi that's not a zoo and Adi likes a animal but getting it here is a little hard can you please help me Shubi" Ishan said and back hugged Shubman "ok tell me what animal is it" Shubman turned and asked Ishan "it's a Hedgehog" Ishan said and showed a picture of what type of Hedgehog Adi likes 

"shut up Shubi that's not a zoo and Adi likes a animal but getting it here is a little hard can you please help me Shubi" Ishan said and back hugged Shubman "ok tell me what animal is it" Shubman turned and asked Ishan "it's a Hedgehog" Ishan said...

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"Adi wants a Hedgehog" Shubman asked to make sure "yeah he loves them but we couldn't find them anywhere" Ishan said innocently look at Shubman so he could just buy him one "ok ok I will see stop showng me those innocent eyes" Shubman said and went towards the balcony to call his secretory

"hello Mr Das I need a Hedgehog in my place in 24 hours" Shubman said to his secretory on the call "but Mr Gill how will I arrange a Hedgehog in 24 hours" Mr Das said not understanding why does Shubman wants a Hedgehog suddenly "I don't know anything Mr Das get me a Hedgehog in 24 hours" Shubman said and hung up the call before Mr Das could say anything because he knows if he keeps talking with Mr Das he will make excuses 

"you will have your Hedgehog in 24 hours" Shubman said and went towards Ishan and pulled him closer by his waist "but what will I get in return" Shubman said and leaned towards Ishan's face "what do you want Shubi" Ishan asked with a huge blush sitting on his cheeks "do I really have to say Ishu" Shubman said and picked Ishan up and shoved all the cloths and suitcases on the ground and laid Ishan on the bed "but what about packing and mom and dad" Ishan said with his face turning even more red "then you have to be quite Ishan no more making noises" Shubman said and pinched Ishan's waist who gasped "what are you doing Shubi and how do you expect me to not make any noise" Ishan said breathing heavily

"I do have a suggestion if you don't want to making any noise" Shubman said and smirked while looking at Ishan "and what is your suggestion" Ishan asked while looking suspiciously at Shubman because that smirk means something is up "simple you won't make a sound if I chock you on my dick" Shubman said and winked at Ishan whose face looked like it is going to explode "you pervert husband" Ishan said and hit Shubman on his chest who held his wrist and pinned it above Ishan's hand and tied both of the hands together "you called me a pervert then I think I should show you how much of a pervert I'm right Ishu" 

"I do have a suggestion if you don't want to making any noise" Shubman said and smirked while looking at Ishan "and what is your suggestion" Ishan asked while looking suspiciously at Shubman because that smirk means something is up "simple you won...

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after an hour of Shubman proving how much of pervert he is to Ishan

Shubman carried Ishan to the bathroom and made him sit on the counter. Ishan just sat on the counter without saying anything because lets just say our baby is shyyyyy because he never experienced anything like this especially something was different about Shubi today and he is not complaining about it

after arranging the bath Shubman carried Ishan on the bath and sat him down on his lap and started applying soap on Ishan's back. Slowly slowly Shubman is applying the soap and Ishan is also feeling relaxed but suddenly he started feeling kisses on his neck 

Ishan tuned around and saw Shubman looking at him and suddenly he kissed him hard "Shubi we will be late" Ishan said in between the kiss and Shubman finally released him after a few seconds "it's just I can't kiss you infront of them so I'm doing it now you know I can't survive without your kisses" Shubman said and snuggled closed to Ishan who turned around and hugged him "don't worry Shubi I will sneakily give you kisses everyday" Ishan said and kissed Shubman's whole face who smiled at him "ok but now let's get you dry and continue the rest of the packing"

after getting ready and packing everything they went downstairs with their suitcases. after sometimes mama and papa Gill entered the house "seriously you guys are 3 hours late" papa Gill said this to everyone because everyone was late "we are sorry papa" everyone said in union except Shubman "ok let's go fast we still have time but we will arrive at evening" Papa Gill said to everyone and they all started loading their suitcases in the cars 

after the long journey they finally reached Ishan's house which is decorated so beautifully because of Adi's wedding. Ishan's and Adi's parents are really close so it's like their own wedding so Ishan's house is also decorated 

*just a chapter mostly consisting of Ishman Fluff because why not.. and do tell me if you enjoyed the chapter or not and also we hit 49k reads on this books like OMG THANKUUUU SOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLL*  

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