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"Aunty where is Adi" Ishan asked Adi's mother who is the the garden "oh he is inside his room" Adi's mother said to Ishan and went back to watering her plants "ok Thank you aunty" Ishan said and dragged Sid with him towards Adi's room

They knocked on the the door and it open after a few seconds "oh Ishu you came" Adi said and hugged Ishan "yeah because you didn't and also Sid is here and you guys have to be best friends now ok" Ishan said and went inside the room leaving Adi and Sid outside the room

"Umm Hi how are you" Sid asked Adi who looked at him and answered "oh I'm fine and come inside the room" Adi said and moved at the side to give some space to Sid so he could get inside "oh ok and you are looking really beautiful in that shirt" Sid said and went inside after noticing the blush on Adi's cheeks

And here on the other side Shubman got the hedgehog from Mr Das who came to drop it off "what is inside this box" Shubman asked as the hedgehog is on his other but there is another box as well "oh sir this are just accessories and things needed for the hedgehog" Mr Das explained everything to Shubman "okey thank you Mr Das for doing this at the last minute you can go and take 2 weeks off" Shubman said to Mr Das and looked at the Hedgehog who is cuddling with Shubman's hand "what really sir" Mr Das asked as he couldn't believe it "yeah I'm sure and go before I change my mind" Shubman said and went inside the house

And here on the other side Shubman got the hedgehog from Mr Das who came to drop it off "what is inside this box" Shubman asked as the hedgehog is on his other but there is another box as well "oh sir this are just accessories and things needed fo...

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Shubham entered the room and places everything on the ground and the hedgehog on his lap "let's see the accessories and dress you up ok" Shubman said and bopped the hedgehogs nose and after the play around a little he went outside to help his family with some work

Ishan Sid and Adi are talking about the things that happened Ishan is filling Adi up with all the things that happened with Anaisha "omg she is such a bitch" Adi said and looked annoyed "I know but Sid was there with me all the time so many times her plans will fail because of Sid" Ishan said and side hugged Siddharth who hugged him back

Adi looked at Sid and said "thank you for being there with Ishan I was really worried about him the whole time but thank God you were there for him" Adi said and smiled at Sid who got an heart attack because of that smile "no need to say thank you Ishan is like my little brother and we both are also friends now so it's normal I will protect and defend Ishu" Siddharth said and looked at Adi

After spending the whole day with them Ishan returned home with Sid and went towards the dinning area and saw everyone siting and eating. He looked towards Shubham and saw Sam sitting beside him who as usual is being clingy but is more shocking is that Shubman is not saying a word to him or pushing him away

Ishan didn't said anything and sat beside Sid and started eating after finishing his food he followed Shubman towards their room. Shubman went inside the room and took his cloths for shower "look beside the matress the Hedgehog is already here you can gift him tomorrow or whenever you want" Shubman said and went inside the bathroom

Ishan understood that Shubman is a little upset so he didn't said anything and went towards the Hedgehog and started playing with him "he gets angry so easy right" Ishan asked the Hedgehog who just stared at him "but you look soo cute did Shubi dress you up" Ishan said while looking at the Hedgehog

As Ishan is talking to the Hedgehog he heard the bathroom door and saw Shubman walking out of the bathroom while drying his hair "you sleep I will go outside I have some work" Shubman said and went towards the door "wait Shubi" Ishan called Shubma...

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As Ishan is talking to the Hedgehog he heard the bathroom door and saw Shubman walking out of the bathroom while drying his hair "you sleep I will go outside I have some work" Shubman said and went towards the door "wait Shubi" Ishan called Shubman who looked backed at him "what is it" Shubman asked and turned around and faced Ishan

"Are you angry" Ishan asked Shubman who looked at him confused "why will I be angry" Shubman asked Ishan and moved towards him "because I felt you here in the morning" Ishan said and looked down "you silly why will I be angry because of that I'm just a little busy nothing else" Shubman said and hugged Ishan "I thought you are angry because you weren't talking to me and also you were sitting beside Sam" Ishan said and hugged him back "I had to sit beside Sam because everyone was there and I can't be disrespectful and you were the one who ran away what do you expect me to do go in Adi's house and carry you here" Shubman said and laughed

"Shut up I was just overthinking" Ishan said and blush because of embarrassment and hut Shubman on his chest "yeah you were so now wait for me I have some work to do with dad and when I'm back we can continue what he left" Shubman said squeezed Ishan's ass who is a red tomato now

*Ik small chapter and also after soo many days.. Don't come after me guys I was busy because of my exams which are now over and I will update more tomorrow.. so forgive me and give me some kisses so I could feel motivated and update tomorrow 💋💋*

 so forgive me and give me some kisses so I could feel motivated and update tomorrow 💋💋*

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