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Its the next day and here Ishan and Sid are sitting beside a pond and thinking something when Siddharth suddenly said "do you really think Adi has feelings for me" Ishan turned towards Sid and said "yes Sid I know for sure he has feelings for you why will I lie to you and ruin everything" Ishan said and tried to reassurance Sid because he can understand the insecurity Siddharth is going through

Ishan can't even lie by saying the groom is bad or anything. Arjun is good looking, sweet, kind and he is like the Mr. perfect "you know what first I'm gonna go and ask Adi about his feelings towards you and in the meantime Shubi will help me get information about this mr perfect like nobody can be this perfect" Ishan said to Siddharth like planning everything in his mind "but what if he denies his feelings towards" Sid and looked down as he is not confident with all this at all "then we will do the classic and iconic thing" Ishan said and clapped his hands "and that is" Sid said giving a confused look to Ishan "that will be making Adi jealous" Ishan said and gave a proud smile like he has achieved a prize

"but what if after all this Adi doesn't confess his feelings towards me" Sid said and looked towards the pond where a mother duck with her 5 ducklings were swimming  "don't say all this Siddharth you are going to jinx the whole thing" Ishan said and hugged Sid to give him some confidence and Sid also hugged Ishan back "you know I'm not even feeling motivated in doing this because I saw how happy he looked I think you are misunderstanding Ishan I don't think Adi likes me he likes Arjun I saw it in his eyes I'm just wasting my time and energy nothing else" Sid said and got up to leave he is overthinking everything "Sid shut up and stop overthinking" Ishan said trying to bring Sid back to his sense "no I won't because I know he doesn't like me you don't have to force him to like me" Sid said and again tried to leave

Ishan got up and hold Siddharth's hand "listen Sid I will ask Adi about his feelings and you will be there with me if he says no then I won't do anything anymore ok" Ishan said to Sid who looked at him and nodded "ok I will agree with this but if he rejects me don't try to put pressure on  him to like me" Sid said to Ishan and smiled at him "ok fine let's go I need to find my hubby" Ishan said and started dragging Sid towards their house

Ishan entered the room and saw Shubman doing something on his laptop so he went towards him and sat beside him "what happened Ishan what do you want to say" Shubman said while typing something on his laptop "actually I was out with Sid and we were discussing abput few thing" Ishan said and explained the whole thing to Shubman and also explained his plan "listen Ishu just leave it na if he doesn't want to do it then why are you forcing him" Shubman said and continued typing on his laptop "Shut up Shubi you can't say that he is your close friend and also mine we have to help him during his hard times" Ishan said trying to make Shubman understand the situation "Ishu just leave him on his own he can take care of his own love life he is not a kid and how did he fell in love in just few days" Shubman said put the laptop aside and looked at Ishan 

"how can you be such a selfish man huh your friend is going through all this and here you are doing nothing" Ishan said to Shubman and Shubman got a little shocked with what Ishan said "I am selfish Ishu I'm just saying that leave him on his own and he will figure something out" Shubman said and tried to grab Ishan's wrist but Ishan pulled away "you are saying all this because its not you problem na you are already settled with our marriage but remember one  thing you are still my husband because of Sid. if he also said the same thing then the situation would be very different" Ishan said and glared at Shubman "what the heck are you taking about" Shubman asked Ishan "oh don't try to act clueless Sid is the main reason behind us not breaking things up and you and I falling in love is because of Sid If he Sid wasn't there you would have believed your sweet bestie Anaisha who would have manipulated you easily and would have broken our marriage so she could marry. It was Sid who was standing beside me and helping me in everything relating to Anaisha and also saving you from her" Ishan said and got up to leave the room because he can't stand Shubman now but he stopped and turned around "I don't understand how can you  be so heartless and selfish sometimes shubi" Ishan said and left the room and went towards his mothers room to clear his mind and here Shubman thought about everything Ishan said and made a few calls "I'm sending you some details of one person dig out everything you can and especially if he has a girlfriend or not" Shubman said and went outside to get some air 

*hellooooo people plz forgive me the school work is crazy now because I'm in class 12 so it's very hectic and also I want to say one thing from advance that in future chapters mostly it will be surrounded with Sid and Adi with Ishu and Shubi so if you are not liking that there is so much Sid and Adi and not Ishu and Shubi then forgive me because I want to write this part about Sid and Adi so plz bare with me and read it you won't be disappointed for sure do vote and comment and excuseeee me we hit 80k reads like WHATTTTT Thank you so much to everyone who has read,voted,commented and enjoyed this story I seriously didn't knew you all will like it this much so thank you again and enjoy*      

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