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After finishing his deed shubman went out of the bathroom and saw Ishan sitting on the bed "Ishu why are you not sleeping" Shubman asks and sit beside Ishan "I don't want to sleep but you tell me one thing why do you keep pocking me" Ishan asked "what do you mean by pocking you" Shubman asked getting embarrassed "something pocked me that day and you ran towards the bathroom and didn't explain it to me what it was" "you wanted to eat dinner right let's go downstairs to eat dinner" Shubman said and went outside the room to avoid the question for now "I will know what keeps on pocking me and you will be the one answering that question" Ishan said with determination and went down

The Next Day

Anaisha and shruti were planning there next thing that they are gonna do and they got a good idea (bluff). the plan is that they are going to call Ishan in the kitchen and feed him the extra spicy soup they made and will make Ishan suffer with mouth burn and then Shubman will see how ugly and disgusting Ishan is and he will leave him and go to the prettiest and most beautiful Anaisha

Anaisha and shruti still thinks that they got some hope that Shubman doesn't like Ishan and is forced to live with him (oh boy delusion)

The soup was ready and now it was time to call Ishan and make him taste the soup they know he will not eat the soup if they say that it was made by them so they planned on saying that the maid made the soup and they asked Ishan to check if the taste is alright or not

"Ishan can you please come into the kitchen" Shruti said very sweetly and Ishan looked a little confused "why are you calling me in the kitchen" Ishan asked "the maid is calling you for the soup tasting" Shruti said and Ishan went towards the kitchen while Shruti followed him

"where is she" Ishan asked looking around and saw Anaisha coming into the kitchen with Shruti "I don't know" Shruti said and started talking with Anaisha. Ishan looked a little confused but without giving it a thought he took a spoon and tastes the soup. the spoon fell from his hand he started shouting because of the deadly spice.

as Ishan shouted Shubman, Sid, Dante and the maid everyone rushed inside the kitchen "what happened Ishan" Sid asked getting worried "spicy....spicy" Ishan said and started panting. Shubman was getting terrified after looking at Ishan's face "drink water Ishu" Shubman said and went with a glass of water towards Ishan who drank the water but their was no relief

"what is going on the water is not working where is the sweets and ice cream" Shubman asked getting frustrated because nothing was working "their is no ice cream and sweets we checked" Anaisha said and smirked as this was all planned and the Ice creams were hidden so Ishan doesn't feel any relief

"Shubman why are you standing here go and kiss Ishan" Sid said and pushed Shubman " what how is that going to help him" Shubman said as he was getting confused "Shubman as the time is ticking my baby is suffering and you are standing here go and kiss it will help I know" Sid said and again pushed Shubman "kiss me Shubi my lips are burning" Ishan said with tears in his eyes

"wait wait a kiss won't help let's try to find the Ice cream" Anaisha said trying to stop them from kissing "shut up Anaisha here Ishu is suffering we don't have the time to waste" Sid said to Anaisha and glared at him. Shubman was a little hasitent to kiss Ishan infront of everyone but he ignores it because he can see Ishan suffering and he is his husband so he can kiss him infront of anyone

 Shubman was a little hasitent to kiss Ishan infront of everyone but he ignores it because he can see Ishan suffering and he is his husband so he can kiss him infront of anyone

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Shubamn picked Ishan and placed him on the kitchen counter so he is not uncomfortable and slowly leaned and kissed him. they were kissing each other forgetting that they are in the kitchen with people watching them. Shubman is hungrily kissing Ishan who is trying to do the same

Anaisha is just standing there looking at them with heartbroken expression "aww Anaisha don't look sad you are my friend so I will help you just once go and drink that spicy soup then Shubman has to kiss you as well because their is nothing to help you so" Sid said to Anaisha and smiled at her "oh thanku Sid"

Anaisha went towards the soup and drinks it a little and then she feels the burning sensation inside her mouth "ahhh help me It's so spicy someone please come and kiss me as well it's so spicy" Anaisha said and went towards Shubman who stopped his makeout session and looked at her "Shubman kiss me too It's soo spicy I can't take it" Anaisha said and pouted she was getting the burning feeling and she is feeling nauseous as well

Shubman keeps on looking at her with a weird expression when the maid came with an Ice cream tub and kept it on the table "here ma'am you can eat this ice cream to feel some relief there is not need for Shubman sir to kiss you" The maid said and forced a smile towards Anaisha

Shruti knows that Anaisha is embarrassed now so she went towards her and took some ice cream in the cup and went towards their room with Anaisha. Shubman picked Ishan and turned towards Sid "bring a cup of Ice cream in our room I can't carry both and don't you dare call him baby only I can call him that" Shubman said and went upstairs towards their room while softly peaking on Ishan's lips

"Sir your plan worked" the maid said to Sid as she can't believe the plan they made worked with Ishan's effortless acting "I'm a genius and I know it now come baby kiss me" Sid said and pouted towards her "Sir I'm married and have a kid so put your lips away" the maid said and went away "I don't know when I'm going to get a girl" Sid said and carried the ice cream in a cup towards Ishan and Shubman's room

yes Sid knew about their planning and plotting and all this was acting done by them even Ishan was included in this

*if you want me to explain this planning of sid you can ask I will explain a little in the next chapter*

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