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Ishan followed Shubman in his room when Shubman saw Ishan entering he got a little annoyed "this is my room go get your own room" Shubman said to Ishan "if it's your room then it's my room as well because husbands stay together" Ishan said and smiled at him "oh but in cities we have a different custom husbands stay in different room and not together" "oh really I'm not from the city so I don't know then which room is mine Shubi" Shubman smirked as he can see how naive Ishan is "oh your room is actually downstairs go down and you can see a black door in the corner that's your room" Shubman said with a smirk "oh ok then I'm going to my room Shubi" Ishan said and went downstairs

Ishan open the door and saw how dark and creepy that room was it wasn't a room it was the basement of the house were there was just a bulb and no fan or window. Ishan got a little scared but still he obeyed his husband and slept in that dark room with no matrass. it wasn't that dirty because it was a new house but still a basement is a basement

Shubman didn't knew that Ishan will actually listen to him he thought that he might be in some other room because Ishan will see right through is bullshit right... right.

next morning Shubman woke up and went downstairs for breakfast he thought he might see Ishan in the kitchen but he was not there Shubman didn't mind and thought that Ishan might be sleeping but he was not feeling right. after an hour when Ishan was still not here he started searching for Ishan in the room but he didn't found him. He searched the whole house but not the basement after searching the whole house he sat on the couch and closed his eyes to calm himself because he was now getting restless

suddenly he remembered what he said to Ishan yesterday he run towards the basement and stand Infront of the door he was praying to every god that please Ishan didn't listen to him last night and to some other room to sleep after debating for a minute he open the door and got a sudden pain. he saw Ishan sleeping inside the creepy basement with no matrass in the ground as well to cover himself

he got horrified after looking at Ishan and ran inside and carried him outside and put him in the couch Shubman was trying to wake Ishan up but he wasn't then suddenly the doorbell rang. Shubman opened the door and saw his mother standing and he knows he is fuck

Shubman's mother entered and saw Ishan sleeping on the couch "what happened to Ishan" she said and went towards Ishan and started checking him. Ishan had mild fever because of sleeping in the ground and the basement gets a lot colder during night time

"nothing mom he just caught a cold" Shubman said trying to cover up "tell me what did you do to him Shubman" Shubman's mother asked glaring at him "I.. I didn't do anything" Shubman said trying to not sound suspicious. Shubman's mother saw Ishan waking up so she turned towards him and helped him in sitting up and asked Shubman to drink water so she could ask Ishan and Shubman couldn't twist anything in his favour "Ishan beta what happened how did you fell ill tell me" Shubman's mother asked as she gently rubbed Ishan's hair in affection "nothing mom it's just the room was cold and i had to sleep on the ground without any matrass" Ishan said smiled at his mother-in-law because she was just like his mother rubbing his hair in affection and he loved it "which room beta and why did you slept in the ground" Shubman's mother asked trying to control herself she don't want to burst now "that room because there were no bed" Ishan said and pointed towards the basement door

Shubman's mother was shocked,angry and heartbroken like could her son be this heartless "SHUBMAN GILL GET YOUR ASS HERE RIGHT NOW" Shubman understood that his mother know so he went towards his mother trying to hide his nervousness "why did you do that Shubman" Shubman's mother asked gritting her teeth "i just said it in a joke I didn't know he will take it seriously" Shubman said trying to look cool about it "I don't know how did you became so heartless and arrogant but it was my fault i should have slapped you all those time when you were like this but I didn't but I will not let you do anything to Ishu if you do something like this I mean it Shubman you will see my wrath I will shred you into pieces I mean it" Shubman's mother was shacking in anger she was controlling herself "Ishu you will sleep in his room he was just joking don't take him seriously ok and I will call you everyday tell me everything at you did all day" Ishan smiled at Shubman's mother and all her anger went away she kissed Ishan's forehead and also smiled at him "ok maa I will sleep in his room" Shubman's mother turned towards Shubman and said "take this warning seriously if you do something to him you don't know what i will do to you and buy him a new phone today only and send me his number "

after saying that she went away leaving both of them alone. Shubman was so done with all this he went straight towards his room and Ishan followed him smiling. Ishan was sitting on the bed when Shubman came with a few cookies and medicine "eat this cookies first then you have to take this medicine" he said Handing the cookies to Ishan "I don't want to eat the medicine" Ishan said and started giving Shubman his best puppy eyes. Shubman was getting affected while looking at the eyes but he turned his head and gave the medicine to Ishan

Ishan pouted as his puppy eyes didn't work so he started nibbing on the cookies and Shubman sat across him looking at him wondering why he was taking care of him and why did he got scared when Ishan was not waking up he never cared for anyone why was he caring about him. Ishan took the medicine after making a disgusted face "now sleep you need rest" Shubman said and covered Ishan with a blanket "Shubi where are you going" Ishan asked as he saw Shubman getting up "I'm going downstairs you sleep" Shubman said and smiled at him "please Shubi sleep with me don't leave me alone" Ishan said giving Shubman his god level puppy eyes and yeah Shubman melted he claimed in the bed and Ishan hugged him while rubbing his face in his chest. Shubman's face got the darkest shade of red

he will not accept that he is also enjoying the affection and attention Ishan is giving him so he pushed away the thought and pulled Ishan by his waist as if they were not close and Ishan blushed because his Shubi was being romantic with him

he will not accept that he is also enjoying the affection and attention Ishan is giving him so he pushed away the thought and pulled Ishan by his waist as if they were not close and Ishan blushed because his Shubi was being romantic with him

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*oh forgot to mention Shubman has good amount of tattoos in this story will be shown in the next chapter 💋*

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