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Shubman and Ishan are inside there room Ishan setting his hair and Shubman hugging him from behind "are you done Ishu" Shubman asked his head resting on Ishan's shoulder "yeah yeah I'm done let's go out and see what had happened 

Ishan and Shubman went out of their room towards the ground where the wedding is being taken place and then they realized something is off there is too much tension in the air and Arjun's parents are joining there hand saying sorry but Adi's father is shouting loudly and on the side there is Arjun siting on the chair with a bloody nose and on the other side of the ground Siddharth Siting with Adi

Adi treating Sid's hand which has blood on them both Ishan and Shubman didn't understand what is happening but they know one thing someone fucked up so Shubman went towards Adi's dad and Arjun's parents arguing or Arjun's parents saying sorry and Adi's dad shouting and cursing them and Arjun and Ishan went towards Sid and Adi "Adi what is going why is Arjun injured and also Sid what happened while we were gone just for few moments" Ishan said sitting beside them and looking at Sid's injury closely "oh shut up Ishu you weren't gone for few moments you were gone for 2 hours I know what you both were doing" Siddharth said with a smirk trying to crack a joke "shut up Sid keep quiet and let me treat you" Adi said and Sid quickly shut his mouth Adi's eyes a little watery "ok you guys tell me what happened" Ishan asked and Adi explained to him what happened while he was gone

Adi's dad went to Arjuns parent and called off the marriage they understood and said it's ok but Arjun didn't like it he went ahead to search for Adi meanwhile Adi was there with Sid telling him everything about why he did all that when suddenly Arjun came and forcefully dragged Adi in the corner trying to force Adi to marry him also tried forcing himself on him Adi resisted and tried to push Arjun off when suddenly Arjun raised his hand to hit Adi and that time Siddharth came and punched Arjun two times on the face and both of them went ahead and reveled everything to Adi's dad and Arjun's parents  

"what the fuck he did that to you" Ishan asked shocked with what he heard "yeah he did" Adi said and continued caressing Siddharth's hand after all this chaos everyone returned to there respective rooms 

"I can't believe Arjun did all that" Shubman says while hugging Ishan from the back who is doing is skincare "I know I'm also shocked" Ishan said while continued doing his skin care they both talked for a few more minutes and went back to sleep 

The Next Morning 

it was the next morning everyone is getting ready because today everyone will return home. everyone is ready and entered the dinning room Lana and Kiara left already because of there flight 

after eating there breakfast they all loaded the luggage on the car and got ready to go "mom I will come back to meet you or I will send you a car" It wasn't Ishan who said all this it was Shubman and Ishan is standing beside him with a small smile on his face "aww my son I will and dad come to visit you I like you more then this kid right here" Ishan's mom said while pointing at Ishan who pouted and she hugged Shubman "I will miss you son we will come to meet you" Ishan's dad came from behind and patted Shubman's back and here on the other side Adi's parents are bidding goodbye to Siddharth and Adi because Adi is going to the city to pursue his career and you know Siddharth as well *smirk face*

after bedding farewell to everyone they got inside the car and went ahead after a few hours they reached there home Ishan and Shubman entered and Anushka ran towards Ishan and hugged him "I missed you Ishan" Shubman stood beside him with a smile "didn't you miss me" Shubman asked and Anushka turned towards Shubman with a little shocked face but ignored it "I didn't miss you idiot" She said and made faces to him expecting him to get angry but he didn't he chuckled and shook his head and went towards his parents and touched there feet both Mama Gill and Papa Gill shocked with Shubman's manner and gesture "I miss you mom make me something to eat I'm starving" he said hugging his mom who was a little taken-a-back but hugged him back with a smile and teary eyes "I will make you something beta just wait" mama Gill said and quickly went towards the kitchen

Shubman turned towards Papa Gill and smiled at him "I bought for you something" he said and handed him a shirt "this is a special design from Ishan's village" as all this is going on Anushka and Virat are shocked with what is going on they turned towards Ishan who shrugged his shoulder 

"I guess I tamed him" 

"you little sneaky minx" Anushka said and side hugged Ishan who laughed "but thank you Ishan he is totally changed we got our old Shubi back" Virat said with a genuine smile on his face and Ishan smiled back while hugging back Anushka

papa Gill took the shirt from Shubman's hand and smiled at him "thank you so much son" Shubman smiled back and turned towards Anushka Virat and Ishan "everyone I bought many things for you come here take you presents" he said and sat down on the couch "mom come here I have something for you as well" he said and everyone came opening there gifts laughing talking the whole family is together now happily 

"oh forgot to say we all have a surprise for you" papa Gill said and Shubman and Ishan turned towards him "we have planned your Honeymoon and you are going to Italy" papa Gill said showing the ticket and everyone cheered including Ishan "thank you dad" Shubman got up from the couch and hugged his dad with tears in eyes and Papa Gill already crying his heart at peace as he could finally have his son back and hug him 

after everything Ishan and Shubman are packing for there honeymoon as the flight is tomorrow they are in there room and Ishan is packing here and nervous if everything is packed for not 

*this is it for today nobody said anything about the discord so I'm not making it and we only have just 2 or 3 chapters left and then the story will be finished and packed and then I can finally update "OH...NO" take care everyone* 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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