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Ishan saw Adi siting on the corner and went towards him and sat down beside him "what happened why do you have that sad frown on your face" Adi didn't said anything and just looked down "you like Sid just accept that Adi if you accept this it will be less painful" Ishan said and Adi looked up towards Ishan with tears in his eyes "I don't know Ishan what I'm feeling anymore I don't want to disappoint mom and dad and I don't know what is this feeling" Adi said and hold his head as his head his aching because of all this thoughts and feelings "you liked him for the moment you saw him I could see that on you face and about Aunty and uncle wait let me show you" Ishan said and looked here and there and then he spotted Adi's dad "UNCLE UNCLE can you please come here" Ishan shouted towards Adi's dad who spotted them and walked towards where Adi and Ishan are sitting "what happened Ishan do you need something and Adi why are you sitting here" Adi's dad asked closing the distance between them

"Uncle I wanted to ask you that what is most important thing for you in your life" Ishan asked while Adi kept looking down "my family and Adi's happiness but why are you asking me this right now did something happened Adi" Adi's dad said and went down on his knees Infront of Adi and hold his face "so what if your Adi doesn't want to get married and he likes someone else will you cancel the wedding uncle" Ishan asked and Adi quickly looked at Ishan with shock expression for his boldness "I will in heartbeat because my son's happiness is more important but first I need to see the person he like if that person is good or not but why are you asking now" Adi's father asked and turned towards Adi "Adi beta you don't like Arjun" Adi's dad asked looking between Ishan and Adi "it's on you now Adi you have to confess and remember what uncle said tell him the truth" Ishan said to Adi and went away leaving both father and son alone and went towards Shubman who was helping others to guide how to do the things and hugged him from behind "what happened did you do it" Shubman said and turned around and wrapped his arms around Ishan's waist "yeah I did but it's now up to him to confess" Ishan said and put his head on shubman's chest hugging him tightly "my Ishu did a lot of work today how about we rest a little and I was thinking about how should we plan for our honeymoon while we are taking a rest what do you say" Shubman said and smiled at Ishan and picked him up in bridal style and carried him towards there room "I'm ok with it Mr. Shubman Gill" Ishan said and kissed Shubman's cheeks 

after Ishan left Adi said everything to his father while tear streaming down his face "I'm sorry dad disappointing you" Adi said and his dad hugged him "shush my child don't say sorry I understand we will not proceed with the wedding but who do you like" Adi's dad asked breaking the hug "it's Siddharth" Adi said with a shy smile and blush on his face "what Siddharth the same one who came with Shubman and Ishan" Adi's dad asked and Adi looked at him "yeah the same on you don't like him" Adi said and his dad quickly shacked his head "no I was just making sure he is a nice kid then should I arrange your both marriage" Adi's dad asked with a teasing smile "no dad I want to pursue him first then I will think about this marriage" Adi said while blushing and hugged his dad who hugged him back with a smile "then go to you Siddharth and I will deal with Arjun's parents they will understand I know" Adi's dad Said and he went towards where Sid is 

Ishan and Shubman both are on the mattrass hugging each other with Ishan's face buried on Shubman's neck and Shubman hand on his ass squeezing it and drawing small circles there "so where should we go for honeymoon" Ishan asked Shubman his face still buried on Shubman's neck "I want to ask you something Ishan" Shubman said and Ishan looked up nodded his head for him to continue "I have been thinking for many days that how much of a prick and rude ass I have became earlier towards my family after spending time with your mom and dad I realized how distinct I became from them because of this friends and parties my mom was my first priority in everything suddenly I started being rude to her Anushka my cousin but my best friend and my best didi whose company I enjoyed the most but I became disrespectful towards her how did I turn out like this" Shubman asked with his voice getting heavy "how did I tuned out like this because of me my mother cried my father had saddens in his eyes because I turned out like this" Shubman said and Ishan sat on him lap and hugged him Shubman buried his face on Ishan's neck and wrapped his arms around him tightly "it's ok Shubi people make mistake" Ishan said caressing his hair "it's not Ishu I want to change I don't want to be like this who is an asshole towards his family I want to set my priorities I want to change everything I again want to hangout with Anushka and I want mom to feed me and me and dad arm wrestling each other how do I do it Ishu help me" Shubman said is voice shaking with emotions "calm down Shubi everything will be ok this is the first step of solving everything you are feeling guilty that's a great thing now just act normal and everything will be back to normal just give it sometime" Ishan said and kissed Shubman's forehead "do you think I can do it Ishan" Shubman asked and Ishan nodded "I know that you can do it I believe you shubi" Ishan said and kissed shubman who kissed him back passionately and laid Ishan down and Shubman removed his shirt "thank you for always staying beside me" Shubman said and kissed Ishan slowly unbuttoning his shirt and leave trails of kisses while doing it "I'm going to make love to you so much that you will know how much I love and cherish you" Shubman said and took off Ishan's shirt 

Ishan and Shubman both are on the mattrass hugging each other with Ishan's face buried on Shubman's neck and Shubman hand on his ass squeezing it and drawing small circles there "so where should we go for honeymoon" Ishan asked Shubman his face st...

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*yoo hello the update is here I know you guys are bored with Adi and Sid so I'm wrapping them up quick so you could get more Ishan and Shubi from now on and want a sneak peak of the future ;)*

*yoo hello the update is here I know you guys are bored with Adi and Sid so I'm wrapping them up quick so you could get more Ishan and Shubi from now on and want a sneak peak of the future ;)*

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*take care people and tell me should I make the discord so we all could engage and talk with each other or nah*

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