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Shubman was shocked with all the things Ishan said to him because for Shubman Anaisha was a really close friend who was with him from a very long time. Anaisha did confessed her feelings to Shubman and after that Shubman was a bit distanced from her and after a few days she said that it was just a little attraction and nothing else and she does want this to ruin their friendship and Shubman agreed and they were close again because he also missed Anaisha during the time when they were distanced

Shubman's mother never liked any of his friends and especially Anaisha. Shubman never understood but now he started understanding why

Ishan knows that Shubman is affected deeply by this because Shubman considered Anaisha as his close friend

Ishan combed Shubman's hair in a comforting manner to give Shubman some comfort

Shubman looked up and saw Ishan smiling at him and kissed him on his forehead "I should have known she will cause problem and try to hurt you and our relation" Shubman said and closed his eyes "how would you have know she was someone else infront ...

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Shubman looked up and saw Ishan smiling at him and kissed him on his forehead "I should have known she will cause problem and try to hurt you and our relation" Shubman said and closed his eyes "how would you have know she was someone else infront you and someone in front of everyone else she behaved innocent and nice infront of you to show how good she is so don't blame yourself" Ishan said caress Shubman's hair "but still I should have know" Shubman said getting frustrated "it's not ur fault Shubi so stop blaming yourself" Ishan scolded Shubman who smiled at him

"I'm going to put a end on this I'm going to confront her and throw her away from our lives" Shubman said and unwrapped his arms around Ishan's waist "no Shubi you will not do anything like that" Ishan said and again wrapped Shubman's arms around his waist "what why will I not do it" Shubman said getting confused "if you do that she will not completely go away she will think I lost because I was afraid and involved you she is delusional as fuck when it involves you I will show her that you are my husband and you belong to me" Ishan said and looked at Shubman

"Wow that was hot and who the heck did teach you to curse" Shubman said and frown at Ishan "that's not important Shubi just ignore her and let me do my thing and also I know I'm hot" Ishan said and did a hair flip with his new hair

"But I'm not so give me ur hotness" Shubman said and pulled Ishan on his lap and

"But I'm not so give me ur hotness" Shubman said and pulled Ishan on his lap and

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*Ik it's a small update and I didn't uploaded for a whole week I'm really sorry.. I will try to update tomorrow because of my small update plz forgive me and do you think the story is going good or it's getting boring do let me know and we hit 29k reads.. I don't know what to say and what to do thank you it was like the best new years gift and also the rankings of this story are sooo good again thank you for all this 💋*
*Do check my community post/conversation in my account from time to time because I do update there if I'm not being able to update and it might help when I'm not updating and you want to know why*

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