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"whatt you are married" Sam asked Shubman as he is shocked because he didn't expected Shubman to be married "yes he is married so stay away and learn how to respect people who are older than you" Ishan said to Sam "I was not talking to you Mid shit I was talking with the handsome so stop interrupting us" Sam said to Ishan and rolled his eyes because he didn't like the fact that Shubman is married

"Mind your tongue before speaking to my husband like that" Shubman said because Sam is being disrespectful towards Ishan and he won't tolerate that "let's just ignore him Shubi and come with me to our room I miss you" Ishan said and pulled Shubman with him "do whatever you want but dilffy dilf I like you and will continue chasing you" Sam shouted so Shubman and Ishan could hear him and went away

Ishan and Shubman entered the room and Ishan pushed away Shubman "why do you always behave like an magnet and attract people huh" Ishan asked Shubman because he is getting frustrated first Anaisha and now Sam why can't he have a little peace "damn babe it's not my fault that kid suddenly jumped on me I was just helping him" Shubman said feeling helpless

"Yeah I understand but why can't I have peace and why can't people leave you alone" Ishan said and pulled his hair "Listen Ishu I don't care about Sam, Anaisha or anyone in the future I only have eyes on you remember that" Shubman said and went towards Ishan to hug him and Ishan also hugged him back

"Now forget about this Sam and all come here I missed you so much the whole morning" Shubman said and sat down on the matress and pulled Ishan on his lap "I missed you too" Ishan said and gave him a little hug "just giving me a hug will not do anything" Shubman said and pulled away from the hug to look at Ishan

"We can't do that you know" Ishan said with a blush on his face "we can if you want to" Shubman said and smirked "you said that we will do it last in our home and when we reach here you will control" Ishan said and slowly started backing away "I don't remember saying anything like that Ishu" Shubman said and slowly started getting closer to Ishan to keeps backing away

"Shubi you know people will hear us" Ishan said trying to find an excuse "you said the same thing on the packing day back home didn't you but did anyone hear us I don't think so" Shubman said and pinned Ishan on the wall and now Ishan is trapped and Shubman slowly lifts Ishan's shirt and starts gazing Ishan's Skin with his finger "Sh.. Shubi what are you doing" Ishan stuttered because of the feeling "you know Ishu what Im doing" Shubman said and slowly leaned in and kisses Ishan's neck who gasped at the feeling

Shubman slowly started going down towards his nipples and rubbed one with his tumb and put the other one in his mouth and softly sucked on it Ishan bites the back of his hand so he doesn't make any sound. After sucking on the right nipple Shubman went towards the left nipple to suck on it and give the left nipple his attention and here Ishan is trying really hard but some sounds are escaping and he can't do anything because it's feels amazing

After sucking on both the nipples for sometime Shubman pulled back and cupped both of Ishan's chest with his hand "they look so beautiful while being swollen" Shubman said and rubbed them a little and Ishan again gasped "yes keep on making this leud sounds they sound like a sin from your mouth" Shubman said and again went towards his nipples to suck on them when suddenly his phone started ringing

Because of this Ishan got pulled out of the movement and he thought Shubman will go asn answer his phone but he didn't and continues to suck on the nipples. Ishan slowly tapped Shubman's head to get his attention and he did Shubman looked at him after leaving his nipples "go and answer your phone it might be important" Ishan said to Shubman so e could go and pick his phone

"The phone call is not important then this" Shubman said and again went back to his meal "I'm not running away go and answer the phone" Ishan said to Shubman and pushed him towards the phone who went towards the phone and picked it up and started taking with Mr Das and his back is facing Ishan so seeing the opportunity Ishan fixed his shirt and quickly ran out of the room

Shubman turned and saw Ishan running away and closing the door "this little minx thinks he can trick me but let's first go and get the gift then at the night I will deal with this minx" Shubman said and went to receive Adis gift because it is already here and on the other hand Ishan is inside Sid's room and sitting down infront of Sid as his nipples are in pain because of the continuous sucking "Ishu you came here to tell me this and make me feel Single" Sid said to Ishan "you know I'm telling you all this because you are my friend and also how your friend is so shameless" Ishan said with blush hovering over his cheeks

"I know it for years and let me tell you one thing because I know him too well he is waiting like a hawk in your room as you ran away so he will be waiting to catch you so be careful" Sid said and smirked at Ishan who looked shocked "you are just trying to scare me you are bad I will go and Talk to Adi he will understand me" Ishan said and stood up to leave the room and Sid also stood "I will also go with you" Sid said very quickly "why are you getting so excited" Ishan asked as he is a little confused "humm..umm.. he is your bestfriend so he is my bestfriend as well so I'm excited to meet my new bestfriend" Sid quickly said to cover it up "oh yeah you are right let's go" Ishan said and they both went towards Adis house to meet him

*Yo.. so update.. tell me if you like the episode or not and yeah I know I said I will update but I didn't because I got a little busy but I will update it tomorrow so stay tuned and no one suggested any model for Sam so he is going to be a faceless character.. peace*

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