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After what happened inside their room Ishan is really upset with everything so Ishan went towards his mothers room to spend sometime with her and forget about the argument he had with Shubman

It's been few hours and Ishan is enjoying his time with his mother he is laughing and talking with his mother and they both are enjoying each others company when he heard a knock so Ishan went towards the door to see who is it. Ishan opened the door and saw Adi standing outside the room with a serious face " Ishan I have something important to discuss with you can we go somewhere else and discuss it" Adi said and grabbed Ishan's wrist and dragged him towards the backyard "what happened Adi why are you dragging me you know I can walk right" Ishan said as he is getting confused by Adi's behavior 

"your friend confessed to me that he has feelings for me knowing that I have a fiancé and I'm getting married in a week" Adi said looking at Ishan with a serious gaze "are you talking about Sid" Ishan asked to confirm that it's Sid because he remember that he said they will go and ask it to Adi together but why did Sid went alone Ishan can't understand that "yes I'm talking about him and he had the audacity to ask if I have feelings for him" Adi said in a mocking way "what did you say to Sid" Ishan asked to Adi because he can see the cockiness and it can be that Adi was rude towards Sid "obviously I rejected him and also gave him a little piece of my mind I know he is your friend but that doesn't mean I will not be rude to him" Adi said and looked at the sky and Ishan's suspicion got confirm of Adi being rude and mean towards Sid  "I'm gonna go I have some work talk to you later" Ishan said and abruptly left and Adi got confused because of the abruptness but shrugged it off and went away 

Ishan went towards Siddharth's room and knocked on the door after waiting for a few seconds he again knocked and continued knocking until he heard the lock being unlocked and the door being open "Ishan what happened why are you getting impatient" Sid asked and before he could ask more Ishan fired his question "why did you go and meet Adi without me huh" Ishan asked Sid and folded his hands Infront of his chest "oh so you know come inside" Sid said and went inside his room and Ishan followed him behind "Sid I asked something and what do you mean by oh I know were you not going to inform me about this" Ishan asked one after another question and Sid sat on his bed and patted the place beside him for Ishan to come and sit and Ishan went and sat beside him "I asked something Sid why did you go without me and what happened" Ishan asked and turned towards Sid 

"I heard everything that happened between you and Shubman in your room and I don't want you guys to fight because of me so I went on my own to confess and got my reality check" Sid said and started playing with his fingers "what did Adi said when you confessed to him" Ishan asked Sid while looking at him "nothing just leave it" Sid said and avoided Ishan's gaze "I said tell me what did Adi said to you" Ishan said with a very serious voice "he said that how could I even think that he will like because I'm noting Infront of him and Arjun and also he said how much of a sorry piece of shit I'm because I have nothing of my own and I'm just sticking to Shubman to have everything and how can anyone like me and also how you are only friends with me because you pity me not because I'm a good and all of this is true and I just got my reality check nothing else" Sid said everything with a smile on his face but Ishan can see how his eyes are getting watery and Ishan can't understand one thing and that is if Adi wanted to reject Sid he could have just simply rejected him but no he didn't he said all this bullshit to hurt Sid 

"Sid ignore whatever he said none of it is true you are my bastes friend and nobody could change that and ignore all his bullshit he spoke you are better then all this" Ishan said trying to comfort Sid because he can't see him like this and also his anger is growing towards Adi "no actually he is right and Shubman was also right you don't have to involve yourself in this messy thing I think I will go tomorrow" Sid said and went towards his closet to take his cloths out "Sid what are you taking about" Ishan went towards Sid and hold his hands "I will return to the city tomorrow I miss my parents they wanted me back home way before but I stayed because of Anaisha now she is gone I can go and go tell Shubman to not worry about anything I won't drag his husband in some shit anymore" Sid said and started packing all his cloths "shut up Sid you are not going anywhere" Ishan said and snatched the shirt from Siddharth's hand "Ishan don't do all this I will go and I have made my decision finale and I don't want to stay in this wedding anymore because this is the only time I'm taking this bullshit and I won't tolerate it in future" Siddharth said and continued packing and Ishan is helpless in this situation so we went outside Sid's room and went towards his and Shubman's room 

Ishan entered the room and didn't said anything and laid down on the matrass and covered his face with a blanket. Shubman is observing everything and slowly went towards Ishan "Ishu I'm sorry for being so selfish I know I'm wrong in this and Sid is my really close friend and we should help him so guess what I got someone to dig some information on the Mr. perfect and also I have someone in mind who can help us in this situation and she is coming tomorrow" Shubman said and saw that Ishan didn't made any moment even after hearing the whole thing "Ishan what happened" Shubman said and removed the blanket and saw Ishan face being wet with tears "Ishu what happened" Shubman said and picked Ishan up who claimed on his laps and hugged him tightly "Ishan tell me what happened" Shubman asked Ishan and after sometime Ishan explained everything to Shubman "it's all my fault Shubi I shouldn't have forced Sid to go and confess his feelings towards Adi and now see he is broken it's all my fault" Ishan said and sniffed and the tears continued "it's not your fault Ishu it's my fault and I will fix it" Ishan looked up at Shubman "how are you going to fix it when Sid is leaving tomorrow" Ishan asked with a confused face "someone is coming tomorrow and Sid won't be able to leave and also I have some info on Arjun" Shubman said and Ishan looked at Shubman "what Information do you have about him" Ishan asked and Shubman leaned in to tell him what he found out 

*Helloooo lovely people and thank you for 87k reads I'm soo happy i can't even say anything and I never thought that this book will do this good thank you for reading this book and supporting it and if you like this story then you should check out my another book "Oh...No" it is also a very fun book and that book is also about Shubman x Ishan so please go ad read that book also I know you all will like that book and you can find it on my account peace* 

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