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Shubman entered the room and saw Ishan inside the blanket he went towards him and sat on the bed "Ishu what happened" Shubman said softly when we heard no reply from Ishan he again tried "Ishu tell me what's going on did something happen" Ishan slowly peeped his head from inside the blanket and looked at Shubman with glossy eyes

"are you crying Ishu" Shubman asked getting anxious "do you hate me Shubi" Ishan asked while looking at Shubman. Shubman cooed at him and answered him "no Ishu I don't hate you why will I hate you" Shubman also has had this convo with himself that if he hates Ishan but the answer was clear he couldn't bring to hate his cute little husband who is soo adorable and cute

Shubman is still hesitant to say the word love but he knows he likes Ishan "don't you hate village people" Ishan asked Shubman "yeah I hate village people but I don't hate you" Shubman said shrugging his shoulder "that means you hate me" Ishan said and pouted "I said I hate village people" Shubman said looking at Ishan "I'm from village so that means you hate me" "you are not a normal village people YOU ARE MY HUSBAND so you are different" Shubman said pulling Ishan on his lap

"now stop putting pressure on that cute little head of yours and rest a little" Shubman said squeezing Ishan's waist who blushed and climbed out of Shubman's lap "I don't want to rest I'm going down" Ishan said and quickly ran outside the room

Sid and Ishan were sitting on the sofa and Sid was trying to make Ishan understand everything and not be weak "Ishan you can't be weak you have to fight for your husband you don't want that bitch to snatch your Shubi right" Sid asked Ishan who quickly shacked his head as no "but she said right I look like a maid" Ishan said looking down "you don't ok it's just that your fashion sense is not that good but don't worry I'm here but again remember everything I told you she is trying to do this to separate you from your Shubi don't let her win"

"but now lets work on you makeover Ishu baby" Sid said and pulled Ishan inside his room

after a few hours his makeover was done and Sid was feeling like he created a masterpiece "Ishan you look so hot" Sid said and pulled Ishan towards the mirror

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after a few hours his makeover was done and Sid was feeling like he created a masterpiece "Ishan you look so hot" Sid said and pulled Ishan towards the mirror. Ishan saw himself in the mirror and was shocked "Is that me" Ishan asked to Sid "obviously it's u" Sid said feeling proud and Ishan could not believe how a chain, bracelet, few ear pieces and his hair a little styled will look this different "now let's take you down to see how everyone reacts" Sid said and pulled Ishan outside the room

as the both of them were downstairs everyone was shocked looking at them yeah Shubman was also their. Anaisha and shruti were shocked and angry because Ishan was actually looking hot and the most shocked someone was that was Shubman he was lost. Shubman stood up to go towards Ishan but someone was already there holding Ishan's hands yep guessed it right it's Dante

"you look so hot and beautiful Ishan" Dante said in his low voice and Ishan was blushing because of the complement and well someone was not happy with that Shubman went towards Ishan and removed Dante's hands from Ishan and

  put him on his shoulder and started walking upstairs "Shubi what are you doing leave me" Ishan said hitting shubman's back but he didn't felt anything and ignored Ishan's protests and slammed the door shut and pinned Ishan on the bed

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put him on his shoulder and started walking upstairs "Shubi what are you doing leave me" Ishan said hitting shubman's back but he didn't felt anything and ignored Ishan's protests and slammed the door shut and pinned Ishan on the bed

"don't you dare blush because of some other men you can only blush if I'm the one making you" Shubman said looking intensely at Ishan "what are you doing Shubi" Ishan said blushing because they were very close "guess I have to show you then though...

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"don't you dare blush because of some other men you can only blush if I'm the one making you" Shubman said looking intensely at Ishan "what are you doing Shubi" Ishan said blushing because they were very close "guess I have to show you then thought about waiting for a little longer and not ruining your innocence but I guess it will be fun now" Shubman said and looked at Ishan while smirking "do you know what adults do went they are married Ishu" Shubman said looking at Ishan

"yeah I know" Ishan said and his whole face turned red "oh really show me then" Shubman said smirking. Ishan slowly leaned in and kissed Shubman after a minute they broke the kiss and shubman said "after this" "after this what" Ishan said now looking clueless "adult marriage couples kiss right" Ishan said looking at Shubman "and after that what do we do" Shubman said getting a little restless "we just only kiss" Ishan said innocently

"this is what you mean by you know what adults do in their marrriage" Shubman asked Ishan in disbelief "yeah" Ishan asked getting confused "why did I expected anything from you" Shubman said scolding himself because why did he expected anything from Ishan expect a kiss

"but leave all this come here" Shubman and flipped them as now Ishan was on top of Shubman and yep he again pulled him in a kiss. Ishan not knowing what to do how to kiss was just following Shubman. Shubman let go of Ishan's lips and went towards his neck and started leaving marks "what are you doing Shubi" Ishan asked as he didn't knew what this was "adult marriage couple not only kiss they do many more things and this is just the beginning but I won't do anything now slow steps ok" Shubamn said kissing Ishan again Ishan didn't understand anything but kept kissing him back

Shubman's hands slowly went towards Ishan's jeans his hands were sliding in

but Shubman quickly pulled it out and stand up from the bed "change into something comfy and rest a little I will wake you when the dinner will be done" Shubman said and dashed towards the bathroom to do his deed

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but Shubman quickly pulled it out and stand up from the bed "change into something comfy and rest a little I will wake you when the dinner will be done" Shubman said and dashed towards the bathroom to do his deed

*you wanted jealous shubi here is your jealous shubi enjoy ;) *

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