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Ishan, Anushka and Sid were in the living room and talking "why is she here with her not so good friend" Anushka asked snickering while looking at the them "you know them" Ishan asked Anushka "obviously I know them especially Anaisha" Anushka said looking at looking "why did she do something" now Sid asked getting interested in the tea "girl had the audacity to claim Shubman as her boyfriend and thought I will kiss her feet" Anushka said looking annoyed "what she did that" Sid said and looked disappointed.

let's just say after spending the whole day together Sid and Anushka were finally becoming friends and obviously our Ishu did threaten them about them being friends or he will not talk with both of them and now these two were finally accepting them

"you don't even know the main tea about this Anaisha" Sid said looking at Anushka "what did she do when I was in my honeymoon" Anushka asked and sign while massaging her head thinking how did Shubman manage to get this crazy girl as his close friend

"she is trying to steel Shubman from Ishan you can say trying to be a homewreaker" Sid said and also massage his head because this is not something you should take lightly he is not doing anything serious because Anaisha and Shruti's plans are so dumb and they think they will win with this so he is also answer them in their way

Sid and Ishan filled Anushka with all the details and she started laughing while holding their stomach "this is their world class plan" Anushka asked still laughing "yeah I know dumb" Sid said and snickered "I'm here so it's going to be more fun" Anushka said and smirked "you will also help us" Ishan asked "yes I will and we should start with trying to turn them again each other let's play with them in their dumb way only"

after they discussed their plan they when towards their respected rooms. As Ishan entered he saw Shubman sitting on the bed using his phone and noticed that he ignored him. Ishan looked at his Shubi and pouted because he got ignored. he went towards Shubman sat on his lap

"why are you ignoring me shubi" Ishan said and put his hands on Shubman's chest but Shubman still ignored and Ishan's pout got more intense he looked like an angry cat. Shubman still ignored him so he hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks "don't ignore me Shubi" Ishan said and again kissed him on his cheeks

"didn't you ignored me whole day because you were busy with Anushka and Siddharth" Shubman said getting jealous of his own cousin and friend he couldn't understand why but it felt like he wants Ishan all for himself and not let him go outside the room and keep him hidden from everyone. he understood he is getting obsessed and he knows it's not healthy so he is trying to keep it low so Ishan is free to do whatever he wants but that doesn't mean he will let Ishan roam around and let the whole world see him no he will hide Ishan in his arms and not let anyone near Ishan

"Shubi understand na Anushka didi wanted to spend sometime with me how can I ignore her" Ishan said trying to reason Shubman "if that's the case then I want to spend sometime with my phone leave" Shubman said getting frustrated "sorry Shubi please don't ignore me" Ishan said trying to convince Shubman "Ishan I said leave me" Shubman said coldly

Ishan never ignored Shubman before he always made time for Shubman in between his talks and messing around with Anaisha and everything but today Ishan totally ignored him he tried to talk to Ishan all day but he ignored him. Ishan was happily talking with Anushka, Sid and even Dante who was trying to hit on him. Shubman was annoyed the whole day because Ishan could talk to Dante but not him who just wanted to talk to his baby just normal talks but no Ishan ignored him. he was missing Ishan the whole day and continued trying to talk to him but got ignored all the time

when Anaisha was talking to Shubman Ishan will come and pull Shubman away from her Shubman would be happy thinking he was finally going to spend sometime with his Ishu but Ishan will just separate them saying he has some important thing to say and after that will just kiss him on his cheeks and will leave him standing there and went towards Anushka and Sid. Shubman tried to talk with Ishan but Ishan said he was busy but he was just talking and laughing with Anushka and Sid

Shubman was angry on Ishan because he was continuously ignored the whole day and now he remembered he had shubman here. Ishan had done it before as well but not this much he would give Shubman sometime but today he totally ignored him

"Shubi I'm sorry please don't ignore me" Ishan said and hugged Shubman tightly and Shubman unwrapped Ishan from him put him on the bed and went towards the bathroom and slammed the door Shut he took a shower to calm himself down because he was getting affected by the whole ignoring thing he know he shouldn't think this much about it but it was affecting him badly he never loved someone like Ishan and getting ignored by Ishan but he was their free for other and that's what was getting on his head

he knows he shouldn't behave like this is a big deal but he can't help behave like that. Shubman punched the wall in anger and it did help him a little to release his anger he was thinking about going to the club or dragging Dante in his personal gym so he could blow off some steam. Shubman was hot headed from collage and with fighting in the club he released all his anger through through that

Shubman went outside the bathroom and saw Ishan who was crying trying not to make any sound. Shubman was angry but not heartless he went towards Ishan and sat down beside him "why are you crying Ishan" Shubman said and wiped his tears "I'm sorry please don't ignore me I didn't realized I was ignore you Shubi please don't be angry at your Ishu" Ishan said crying and hugged Shubman who sign and pulled him towards himself and made him sat on his lap "I'm not ignoring you anymore Ishan stop crying" Shubman said and scold himself for getting affected by this small thing and making his Ishu cry "don't call me Ishan call me Ishu" Ishan said and hugged Shubman tightly

"Ishu don't cry and look at me" Shubman softly said and made Ishan look at him who suddenly kissed him to show him how sorry he was for Ignoring his Shubi who was continuously trying to talk to him

Shubman got surprised but kissed him back and soon it turned into a heavy make-out. they were kissing each other eagerly and slowly pulled away with swollen lips. Shubman removed his shirt and Ishan blushed "why are removing your shirt" Ishan asked and blushed madly "didn't you said not to wear shirts infornt of you" Shubman said and smirked and again pulled Ishan in an heavy make-out and pinned his hands above his head

"wanna do adult married couple things baby" Shubman asked Ishan while kissing down his neck "wh--what is that" Ishan asked and huffed as he is getting breathless "what every married couple do" Shubman said and continued kissing his chest while unbuttoning Ishan's Shirt

Ishan who couldn't utter a word because of the weird noise he was making and also because of the weird light headed feeling he was having but he nodded his head because of the feeling and he also believed and trusted his Shubi

after Ishan agreed Shubman continued undressing himself and Ishan "wo--what" Ishan chocked looking at Shubman was not looking so hot. Ishan didn't understand much but he was enjoying it

they were both undressed just had their boxers and Shubman slowly went towards Ishan

they were both undressed just had their boxers and Shubman slowly went towards Ishan

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"don't worry Ishu I will be gentle"

*finally updated my exams were not that great but I'm just happy that it is over. our Ishu will not be innocent anymore. What do you think about all this not being Innocent anymore thing don't worry he still will be the clueless and cute just he will know what adult couples do when they are married. he will still be innocent but not in that way iykyk and also tell me did you liked this chapter or it was meh...*

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