one - love is impatient

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If there is one thing in this life that I hate; it's Mondays. Just the thought of them makes me feel sick. Some people see Monday as a time for new beginnings, a fresh start to a new week. I see Monday as a sharp jab in the back, forcing me out of bed at a ridiculously unfair hour. 

There really was nothing in this world that could make me want to get up this early voluntarily. Even the fact that it was the first day back at school after three months didn't excite me enough. Again there seems to be a slight difference of opinion when it comes to the topic of returning to school after the summer holidays. 

Some people miss seeing their friends and enjoy easing back into the routine of school – day life. I however view school as a feeble attempt at moulding teenagers into responsible non – life wasting adult human beings.

"Ella love, it's time you were up!" my mum called from downstairs.

My mother. A rare breed of female who was completely immune to the magical (and some-what horrifying) powers of Monday mornings. As per usual, she was her bright cheery self. Morning people scare me.

"Alright! Okay! I'm up!" I replied.

My phone started to vibrate beside me and I quickly grabbed it, squinting in the bright light.

"Uhh...Hello?" I answered with a tired yawn.

"Ella, I'm having a crisis!" Ali cried down the phone.

"Oh let me guess.... there is a 50% sale on in Topshop and you're struggling to think of a good reason to excuse you from a triple period of hell with Mr Wright?" I asked, shuddering at the thought of the terrible day I had ahead of me.

"Ugh, I wish! No, it's much worse than that. I've nothing to wear."

I know Ali is my best friend and I should be ready to attack anything that is getting her down, but sometimes she can be completely oblivious to the world around her. Her father, Derek Dyer was one of the most influential people in the country, not to mention he was absolutely drowning in cash the majority of which happily flowed into the hands of his precious daughter.

"I know for a fact that's a lie, you could open a shop with the amount of clothes you have!" I replied rubbing my eyes in an attempt to feel more awake.

"Well, that shop would be bankrupt." Ali retorted.

"You know who is great with these problems of yours Ali? Scarlett. Why don't you give her a ring? And remember Ali it's just school not a fashion show!" I replied.

"I will forever cease to understand the way your brain works, Ella. It's the first day back! I have to look like at least an eight."

I laughed briefly then replied, "Ali, you would look like an eight wearing a bin liner."

"You see, this is why I love you! See you at school!" She laughed before hanging up.

And with that, I jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of plain jeans with a navy and white striped top and my black converse. I'm not one of these people who gets all dressed up for the first day of school because I like to follow the motto 'start as you mean to go on' and I know for a fact that I do not wish to get up an extra hour earlier every morning just so that I can look half decent for school.

When I met my mum downstairs she had her ear pressed to the phone. She worked as a wedding planner and her life motto was somewhat different to mine, 'no dream is too big' which also happened to be her company logo.

She pushed a plate with a slice of toast and jam on it towards me and mouthed the word, "Eat." before taking a second glance at me then miming the words, "You look nice!" and all the while she managed to keep up the conversation she was having on the phone. I don't know how she does it.

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