sixteen - love is foolish

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The bell rang just in time, interrupting the severe awkwardness of the penetrating silence that engulfed Noah and I, leaving only an unbearable gaping hole in the bottom of my chest.

But before I could try to salvage whatever ruined remains that were left after my sharp tongue's latest wipe-out of Noah's ego, he was already walking out the classroom door.

And as I waited to see if he might turn back to glance my way, I knew the only thing capable of filling the colossal pit that had formed at the bottom of my stomach was Noah's smile. However he unfortunately seemed to be running low on supplies of those today, and I found the gaping hole to be growing in mass, consuming my entire body weight.

He continued walking without a moment of hesitation.

What had I done?

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When I finally found Ali and Scarlett sitting at our usual lunch table, I decided to zone out of their conversation. Nothing they were saying was resonating with me at all. I felt like I was an extra in a foreign movie, without any subtitles. Until I heard one word that struck a chord. Not just a word, but a name; Noah.

'W-what?' I asked with a croaky throat.

'What happened with you and Noah?' Ali repeated.

'Who said anything happened with us?'

'Well, you haven't touched your food plus you keep on sneaking glances at him every five seconds.' Scarlett blurted out, achieving a discerned look from Ali.

'I do not.' I stated indignantly.

They both stopped what they were doing to throw me a knowing look.

'All right, so we sort of had a fight.'

'I knew it! Didn't I tell you?' Ali asked Scarlett with a mischievous smile. 'You owe me big time little lady!'

'No! That doesn't count! You thought that they broke up, that's not the same thing!' Scarlett replied, raising her voice. She wasn't one to be proven wrong.

'Yes it is!' Ali retorted with a juvenile smirk.

'I would really appreciate it if you two were more concerned with how I am feeling right now, rather than who won your stupid bet.' I snapped.

They both stopped fighting and turned to face me with defeated, solemn faces.

'I'm sorry you guys, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I'm just having one of those days.' I apologised.

'And just F.Y.I, Noah and I were never going out so we couldn't have broken up.' I added quickly under my breath. They both smiled at me in return.

'It's okay El, we get it. I'm sorry, we were being really selfish.' Scarlett said. 'You know we'll always be here for you if you want to talk about it.'

'Thanks Scar, but I'm not really in the mood to talk about it right now.' I said looking down; the pain in my chest was still taunting me, cackling at me.

'Okay, I'm really glad that we just had that heart to heart, but I think you should know that Will is walking over to you right now and oh my god he's nearly here, act natural!' Ali dramatically exclaimed before striking an awkward pose to make herself look like she was deep in thought about something.

If anything Scarlett should be the one freaking out, but for some reason she seemed completely nonchalant and unfazed by the whole situation. I envied her unrecognisable pretence.

Will leaned over my shoulder and I jumped in fright.

'Oh! You startled me.'

'Sorry, I didn't mean to.' He spoke quickly as though he had somewhere else far more important to be. 'Can I have a word?'

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