eight - love is blunt

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I opened the freezer door and started sifting through the drawers for a suitably sized ice pack but all I could find was a bag of frozen peas. Oh well, I guess beggars can't be choosers.

The fight didn't last long before some guys from the football team dragged them apart from each other. I may be slightly bias but I think that Noah overall got more hits in, he could really hold his own in a fight. I took him back to mine to get cleaned up because I knew my mum wouldn't be home until the morning and he didn't want his parents to see him in the state he was in.

I turned to face my battered and bruised patient. His lip was cut deep and the entire left side of his face had gone a faint purple colour. I walked toward him and placed the frozen peas right on this side and held it there, staring into his eyes which were shining the exact same shade of green as his make-shift pea ice pack.

"Hold that there while I go get something for your lip." I said, still finding it difficult to take my eyes off of his. As he reached up to hold the bag in place, our hands brushed passed each other and electrical surges of energy flowed through my hands and all throughout my body. I turned back to the kitchen drawers to find a small cloth in a drawer and started to wet it under the tap.

"You know, you'd make a good nurse Parker." Noah said watching me from the kitchen table with a charming smile plastered on his face. Only Noah O'Brien could look that good with a bruised face and cut lip.

"Yeah yeah, that's what they all say." I replied, walking back towards him with the wet cloth for his lip. I started dabbing it all along his mouth, cleaning up the dry blood.

"Oh so you've done this before?" He questioned, smiling as he intently watched my every move.

"Yeah, I did the bulk of my training on Mr Bear. He was always getting into fights with Ted the Teddy over who should win the heart of my Barbie doll." I replied jokingly. Noah laughed softly; smiling eagerly as if he wanted me to keep talking about my childhood, like every word he got out of me was a gift that should be cherished gratefully.

"Well, he trained you well." Noah replied happily.

"Okay enough small talk - let's not beat around the bush." I said dropping the wet cloth on the table and taking a seat across from Noah.

"I think I've had enough beating for one day thank you very much." Noah replied jokingly. I returned with a serious look and he mirrored it willingly before saying, "Okay sorry, what is it?"

"Well I just want to know what the hell happened back there. I get that Will was saying some nasty things to get you all worked up but you seemed to have a problem with him even before the fight." I stated quickly all in one breath. I hope he doesn't think that I'm prying, but I just think I have a right to know.

"I really don't know how to answer that." He replied quietly, with his head bowed down looking down into the palms of his hands.

"Look you don't have to tell me everything. But I know that you didn't do that purely for my benefit. Something bigger is going on between the two of you, I can tell." I accused.

"You're right, but for the moment you're just going to have to trust me when I say that it's not something you need to be worrying about." He said staring deep into my eyes. How could I say no to those emerald gems?

"Okay, I trust you."

For a moment we just sat staring intently at each other, marvelling at the strange aura that had surrounded us both. I then found myself re-focusing my attention to the slender curve of his lips.

Even though his lips were cut and bruised, I couldn't ignore the burning sensation in my chest. I wanted to kiss him. But more than anything, I wanted him to want to kiss me.

And then as if he had a streamline connection to my thoughts, he reached out his hand and placed it softly on my right cheek, drawing me in closer to him. Now his lips were millimetres away. And just before we broke the space in between us, his lips curved ever so slightly upwards and I knew. He wanted to kiss me just as badly as I wanted to kiss him.

He pressed his lips to mine and the tingling feeling came shooting back, except this time it flowed through every fibre of my being. I felt warm and alive. My heart was racing, beating loudly against my chest and I hoped and prayed that kissing me gave Noah the same feeling.

I swore I heard fireworks go off in the distance...or maybe that isn't fireworks. It sounds oddly like someone clearing a dried throat.

Suddenly he pulled away from me making my heart sink into a bottomless pit, what had I done wrong? And that's when I noticed the shadowing figure standing in the doorway.

"M-mum, what are you doing home so early?" I asked, jumping up from the seat. I could feel my ears ringing and my face was burning red with embarrassment.

"I got finished up early." She replied, edging slowly through the door and into the kitchen. "Who's your friend?" She asked looking Noah up and down wearily.

He leaped up abruptly from his seat and shot out his hand with a winning smile.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet Mrs Parker, I'm Noah."

"It's lovely to meet you too Noah." She smiled in return. She had clearly been effortlessly convinced by those green eyes of his that it was socially acceptable to walk in on your daughter kissing a stranger at two a.m. Was there nothing those emeralds couldn't do?

"Well I really should be should be getting home, thanks again for everything Ella." he said smiling wildly in my direction, "And once again it was lovely meeting you." He repeated fixing his smile now on my mum.

"Bye Noah!" I called after him as he headed for the door. He wiped his head round to meet my eyes and gave me a bright smile before he left.

'"You never mentioned that exciting new development." My mum finally said. She was now sitting at the kitchen table staring up at me in excitement, resting her chin in the palm of her hands.

"There isn't really much to tell." I replied simply. I didn't want to get into talking about this with her because admitting I had feelings for him to her meant that I would be admitting them to myself. And I wasn't ready for that yet.

"He's the one you met at that programme over the summer right?" She questioned, clearing not giving up on getting all the gory details just yet. As you can imagine with my mum being a wedding planner and all, she was a sucker for romantic stories. I believe she lives vicariously through all of her clients because she never got her happy ending.

I simply nodded in response.

"He's really cute Ella." She said grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah, I know he is."


Noah and Ella's first kiss!!! Did it live up to your expectations?  

I hope you liked reading this part as much as I loved writing it!

(thank you all so much for 200+ reads by the way xx )

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