two - love is unkind

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By 'still has a thing for you' Scarlett was referring to the fact that Will and I had grown up next door to each other all our lives and that once when we were seven, he kissed me underneath a tree close to my house after pronouncing his undying love for me with the following words,  "I kinda like you." Sounds like true love, doesn't it?

"Okay, I'm pretty sure Will Callahan doesn't toss and turn at night because he can't stop thinking about one lousy kiss that happened ten years ago." I answered.

"Well, you never know, it was probably his first kiss." Ali said while taking out books from her bag.

"Yeah, his first and best!" Scarlett retorted.

We all laughed at that before settling down into our seats just before the teacher came in carrying a large stack of books.

"Alright everyone, settle down. We have lots to do and so little time." Mr Wright shouted before asking to have the books handed out.

"Oh I love Shakespeare!" Scarlett cried, grabbing a copy and quickly flicking pages.

"Which one is it?" I asked. The only Shakespeare I liked was the Macbeth kind. I lived for all that - 'Is he crazy? Or is he really being haunted?' crap.

"It's Romeo and Juliet  Miss Parker and seeing as you and your friend are so keen to voice yourselves, I invite you to come to the front of the class and read." Mr Wright sharply replied.

"Oh no really sir it's fine, it won't happen again I promise."

I have this thing about reading in front of the class. I would consider myself a fairly confident person, but for some reason when I get up there, my knees start trembling and I can barely raise my voice above a whisper.

"And I trust you will keep that promise. But for now I want you to read the role of Juliet. Scarlett you can read the nurse and now all we need is to find Ella a Romeo."

I wished my teacher good luck on his quest to find my Romeo in my head. If I had to struggle through seventeen years of never finding anyone who came even remotely close, there was no way he could find him before the class ended.

"Any volunteers?" Mr Wright questioned.

Oh if only it were that easy in real life.

I squinted my eyes out of fright for what was to happen next but when I opened them, I never expected to see what I did.

"Ah yes, thank you Mr Callahan." He stated.

I felt like I was in a horrific nightmare. I told myself that if I quickly blinked I could wake myself up but it didn't work.

We had to act out this horrifically romantic scene so I tried to keep my face firmly planted in the book to hide how embarrassed I was. But every time I looked up, Will's eyes were staring right at me. Each word flowed out of him with such ease, and he made each line sound his own.

I however stumbled and stuttered like a baby learning how to talk for the first time. I kept glancing at Ali too, who was giggling and smiling at the back of the classroom like she was on crack.

I had never been so happy to hear the bell ring for the end of class in my life.

"Okay, we'll pick up from here tomorrow." Mr Wright said.

"Can't wait!" I muttered sarcastically under my breath.

All that cringing had worked up an appetite in my tummy, so I quickly grabbed my bag and the two hysterical laughing hyenas (otherwise identifiable as my best friends) and ran to lunch.

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