twenty two - love is bitter

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If I had have known that this was going to be the day I would finally be meeting Noah's parents, I think I would have made a conscious effort not to look like a crazed hooligan who had just been taking a casual dip in their lake. Then again, judging by the disgusted face that had been plastered on Mrs O'Brien's face ever since she had set eyes on me – it might not have made any difference. She appeared to be one difficult woman to impress.

I had been invited to stay for dinner and out of pure curiosity to know more about Noah's life behind closed doors – I politely accepted. However after several awkward minutes had passed sitting staring absently around the large dining room in a daze, I was starting to wonder if I had made the wrong decision. Even in spite of my rugged appearance, it was clear that I was out of place here from the very beginning.

"So tell me Ella, what are your plans for the future?" Mrs O'Brien asked, placing a small amount of food delicately into her mouth.

"You never were great at small talk, Mother." Noah said unamused with the entire situation he was currently trapped in.

"Well forgive me for wanting to know a little bit more about the famous Ella Parker you won't stop talking about." She replied.

Noah blushed slightly before returning his attention back to his food.

"I think I'd like to do something in medicine - maybe nursing, I'm not sure though." I answered, with everything that's been going on recently I seemed to have little time to think about the future.

Noah flashed me a bright smile, clearly remembering how I had wonderfully nursed him back to health after his fight with Will.

"At least we know you've got your frozen pea method sorted." Noah whispered, leaning in close to me.

A slight laugh escaped from my lips as I reminisced on my Mum interrupting our moment together.

"Noah wants to follow on in the family business, don't you son?" Mr O'Brien proudly boasted.

"Yeah..." Noah reluctantly replied, awkwardly playing with a leaf of broccoli on his plate.

Upon hearing this I suddenly realised how little I actually knew about him. What was the family business? Did his mum work? Why were his brothers never home? An uneasy feeling was starting to grow in my stomach as I thought about how Noah hadn't told me anything about his family. Did he not trust me enough? Or was it my fault that I constantly focused on myself and my problems?

"Would I know your mother, Ella?" Mrs O'Brien asked receiving eye rolls from the two O'Brien males sitting around the dining table.

"Probably not, she keeps to herself mostly." I replied worried about where this conversation was headed.

"What is it you said she does?" She asked, continuing to pry.

"I didn't." I sharply answered before deciding to elaborate, "She's a wedding planner."

Mrs O'Brien smiled in a patronising manner before saying, "Oh, how lovely."

I could see from the corner of my eye that Noah was growing more and more impatient with his mum as he tensed further with every question.

Then came the dreaded one I had been anxiously anticipating.

"What about your father? What is it that he does?" She asked with a wiry grin, as though she already knew the answer.

"My father runs out on families for a living and before you ask, yes. He's very good at it." I replied angrily before taking a large gulp of water, my hands shaking violently as I lifted the glass.

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