Chapter 4

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"⎓⚍ᓵꖌ," Xisuma exclaimed when he saw the watcher in front of him, he could tell that they were an enemy.

He also knew that he was the only admin among them and there weren't any watchers so he was the person who would be able to deal with the watcher the best as he had an admin blade. The others' netherite swords would do some damage but based on the power that was radiating off of the watcher he wasn't even sure if he had enough power to go against them. If he didn't know how hectic it was for the council members he probably would have messaged Zyrex, he probably should he didn't think that they would win this fight, but he wasn't even sure that if he sent a message that Zyrex would even be able to see it before it was too late. He also knew that the server would start cracking faster if he stopped doing whatever he could to slow down the code, and he wouldn't be able to do that and continue fighting.

The hermits could also tell the person in front of them was an enemy, not an ally. They split into two different fighting styles, one group kept their elytra on, had their swords in one hand and had a stack of firework rockets in the other. The other group put chest plates on and pulled out their shield but also had some bows, they wouldn't be able to use their swords while the watcher in front of them was in the air. The air-striking group had more numbers, more bows meant that the others were more likely to get hit as well. They were all scared, they could all feel their heart beating in their chests, but they also knew that they had to fight. They knew that if they wanted to keep going they were going to have to face the enemy in front of them, and if they were lucky, backup of whoever was meant to help them get off this server would be coming soon enough and they would also be able to help against the enemy in front of them. "Just like a wither fight, only 100 times more powerful. How hard can it be?" Iskall said, trying to make the darkness of the situation seem lighter, it made the darkness feel less cold but it was still there and it was still surrounding them.

Grian didn't know what to do if he should reveal his watcher form or not. He didn't know if it would be a help or a distraction, he knew it would probably be for the better but a part of him still wasn't ready to share, he wasn't ready to see what everyone else was going to say. So like the rest of the hermits, specifically the ones who would be attacking in the air, he put a stack of firework rockets in his left hand, a sword in his right and he kept the elytra on his back. Xisuma at this point had also gotten ready, his admin screen was still being used but it was clear that he was ready to drop it so all of the hermits could move in a unit. "Hermits, let's do this," Xisuma said, dropping his admin screen and pulling out his sword, which instead of his netherite sword was his admin blade.

The sound of fireworks all went off at once as those in the air, which were most of them, were now going up and getting ready to attack. Each hermit flew forward to try to hit the watcher and flew up again, but the watcher, who Grian was guessing was using watcher vision to see everything around them, was able to keep blocking the attacks with their magic. The only blade that could do anything damaged was Xisuma's admin blade and that was still a small amount of damage at a time, so they were not getting anywhere.

They tried attack after attack over and over, even the best of them couldn't even get close to harming the watcher. They couldn't see their facial expressions, the mask always hid that well, but they could all tell that the watcher was toying with them, playing with them like they were little dolls for their amusement. Most likely they wanted them to keep fighting until the server around them cracked into pieces and fell to the ground like shattered glass as some of the other servers had already done. It was after everyone was already sweating, their shield being in the red, the fireworks depleted that the watcher finally spoke to the hermits in front of them. "Well this was fun," the watcher said with amusement laced throughout their tone, but then their voice changed to a cold tone which sent another shiver down the back of the tired hermits, "But I'm bored now,"
The watcher's hands were then raised up and their fingers moved around as an indigo light swirled around their fingers and then with a flick of their hand a bolt of purple lightning was sent out to the left of them, where no one was standing but that was the reason why the watcher had chosen that place when the lightning hit the ground a boom sounded from that direction and a crater was all that remained of that part of the shopping district.

Grian had a choice to make. To stay there and keep trying to fight for his friends, who were already all tired after the numerous attacks that they had tried had all ended in failure or to finally reveal the biggest secret that he had been keeping from everyone since he started on Hermitcraft. He knew what he had to do, but that didn't mean that he was ready for the aftermath of what was about to happen. He looked around, making eye contact with some of the other hermits in those split seconds before turning back towards the watcher in front of him. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and let the warm violet light surround him as he changed into his watcher form. 

WC~ 1029

A/N: If you haven't already check out the prequel that I posted 'Before' there are some allusions to what will happen in this book as well.

And if you want a better look at the covers I've made I have posted them on my barely used instagram: azrinaathor (wattpad doesn't like the 'at' symbol)

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