Chapter 19

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The first thing Astaria noticed when she awoke was that the pain was gone, her final moments had been filled with pain from the spell she had cast. She knew it was going to hurt when she cast it, but she knew that it was worth it to save everyone around her and that it was the only way that she could guarantee that they would never be able to crawl out of the pit they were in again. The next thing she noticed was when she opened her eyes. She saw the blue sky. The blue sky. The white fluffy clouds that were floating across the blue sky. The sun was like a pale yellow colour that shone its light over everything else. She wondered if at some point she might get to see all the colours that came with a rainbow, it had been a long time since she had gotten to see a rainbow.

She turned her eyes from looking up above to the land surrounding her. She was standing in a field of wheat, the yellowish beige colour clashing with all of her purple. The mountains around were snow-capped but below that they were so many different shades of green. She walked along the brown dirt path beneath her feet, brown had been one of her least favourite colours before she had lost her eyesight but she was so happy to see it now. As she walked through the fields she came to a park with even more shades of green, she had forgotten just how many different shades there were. She wondered what it would be like to see these leaves change when autumn came. She wanted to see the various shades of red, orange and yellow that would come as the seasons changed.

There was a pond on the edge of the park, she could see some of its clear blue water from where she was standing, but had decided to get a better look. The water was a mix of blues with turquoise shades mixed in, swimming in the pond were fish of different colours, some were bright orange in colour while others had hints of white and black. She then looked into the water and saw herself. It had been a long time since she got to look at her own reflection. The first thing she noticed was her eyes, she knew that because of the void they had become grey and white cloudy eyes, but her eyes didn't look like that. One of her eyes was a sharp red, it was strange seeing it, and the other was purple, she was used to the colour of purple but not for one of her eyes. She had forgotten how pretty her eyes were. She also noticed that her scars weren't there, she never really saw them but she knew they were there as she could feel them and others mentioned it. It was also strange, she was so used to having them that she just felt different, but it wasn't really a bad thing. She saw the white of her hair, still tied in a braid, she wasn't surprised, she was used to her hair being white. She let her wings go up behind her, she noticed that they also had a lack of scars on them.

She continued on down the brown dirt path, walking beneath tall green trees that had their branches hanging over the path creating an arch overhead. She walked a bit further when she came across a field of colours. There were flowers all around her, in every colour that she could think of. She walked over to the pink tulips first, leaning in to smell them, the scent was nice but she was focusing more on the colour of them rather than the scent. She walked over to some red flowers next, then onto some yellow ones. She wondered how far the field went on, and just how many different colours there were. She decided to fly up, she noticed that it was easier than when she was alive, the lack of scars on her wings must have been why.

When she flew up the blue sky, just below the fluffy white clouds, and looked down at the fields of flowers. It was all so beautiful, the flowers seemed to be covering all of the ground in front of her. The colours felt magical to her and being up in the air seeing them all just felt great, but it also reminded her of those she left behind. She knew what was going to happen and she didn't want to tell any of them, because she was worried that they would try to stop her. She could tell that Xelqua had found out near the end and was thinking about ways to stop it. They were all family to her but she also knew that they would be fine without her. They would be upset, it was always like that whenever someone lost someone they cared about, but they were all strong and they all had each other. She knew they would be just what the Main World needed to enjoy the new era of peace, and she hoped that it would last. She missed them, they were her family, but to keep them safe she was willing to risk everything.

In the distance, she noticed a house, one that looked very similar to the building on Lyciris Isle. She had a feeling she knew who was living there, and she could feel tears start to well up in her eyes and she glided down to the front door. She hesitated for a second before she knocked on the door, and a familiar face opened the door. "Rene!" Astaria said, pulling the watcher in front of her for a hug, tears now streaming down from her eyes.

"Ria!" Rene said, holding Astaria tight, "I missed you so so much,"
"I missed you too," Astaria said.

The two leaned in for a kiss, one that they had both waited centuries for. After they had pulled away, they still stood there hugging each other. It had been centuries since they had held each other, and the last time they saw each other, it was a moment of fear. "When I ended up here I expected to see you here, but then I realised you must have not died in the void. Didn't realise it would take you this long to join me though," Rene said, tears streaming from her face, "I guess you have some stories to tell now,"

"Maybe a few," Astaria said, "I suppose you'll have your own,"
"Some," Rene said, "But there's someone who will want to meet their other mother,"

Astaria's tears grew as the two of them walked inside the house, their house, it was time for her adventures to end

WC~ 1145

A/N: One chapter left, it feels weird that this series is so close to ending. Having started it back in 2021 I compare myself to how I was back then, fun fact I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in December 2021, it was also just before I started posting chapters weekly since I went away just after that without the internet and when I got home I started my posting schedule as it is today, back around January 3 my time. See you all next week for the final chapter!

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