Chapter 15

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The watchers were fighting their own battles up in the air, winged mobs were coming in by the thousand and were flying all around them. There was a myriad of different spells being thrown in every direction that the mobs were coming in, a mix of spells that were both ancient from the books written many hundreds of years ago, but some were new ones that were a combination of those millennium old spells that the watchers had made using the advice of their High Leader. They were also doing their best to give The Ender Dragon, Jean herself, room to fly and kill many of the mobs herself. They were all surprised when they saw her fly in, they were scared that she was fighting for the enemy, but when they saw that she was attacking the mobs they all breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad to have more power on their side.

Almost all of the watchers were using magic, it gave them the advantage of being able to be further away from the oncoming mobs. Most were using fireball, a simple but effective spell that even the lower-level watchers were able to do, the attack was unfortunately not one that could take out multiple enemies at once but it could be sent fast. Other watchers were sending forward bolts of lighting, also an attack that unless mastered could only hit one enemy at a time, but instead of having to send individual bolts of lightning, they were able to send out a continuous strand that once one enemy had fallen the next would be hit by the purple lightning. Some sent out a shockwave, which didn't have as much damage as a fireball or lightning but it was spread across multiple enemies so if any watchers could send them out fast enough they did more damage than if they cast a barrage of fireballs or a continuous bolt of lighting.

Others had experimented, a personal favourite of many was a ball of lighting that when reaching its target, when there were more enemies behind it, would have the lighting spread out in a triangle shape to destroy those enemies as well. Others chose to attack with a mix of the fireball spell and the shockwave one, it wasn't as effective as the spell that Xelqua did, but that one required a decent power level to accomplish, but it was better than other spells that the watchers were doing. The last of the experimented spells was lightning mixed with shockwave, it had the same effect as the lightning ball, it just allowed it to affect others at the same time. It was the hardest of the spells, so very few were using it, but where it was being used it was very effective.

Others who were as well versed at magic stuck to their blades, or if they just preferred to use their swords instead. They didn't have the same potion effects that were placed on their enemies like the admins did so they had to go in for more swipes of their blades to get rid of their mobs. Luckily their health wasn't too much more than regular mobs when they were using their watcher blades, but they also were able to hit back more and cause greater damage to the watchers so many of them needed to be teleported back for a heal. Many of them were also holding up well, getting ahead of the many enemies that seemed to have no end. They had already slain hundreds of enemies but as the council was fighting above them more and more kept coming, they were too focused to see just how the council was doing but they knew that these were the firsts, that they needed to fight to make sure they could keep the peace.

Some watchers who were magically gifted but not in a way that would help with fighting, were back in the camps healing whoever came their way. Whenever the admins teleported any injured watchers or admins they healed them up and used what magic they could to help them gain back strength, and if they weren't totally injured they were teleported back into the fight after whatever watcher was looking after them sent a message to one of the admins who were further back. Those who could be sent towards those who were not fighting to stay safe in any of the camps that were still filled with citizens without battle experience. Among those who were healing were any who worked in the medical wing for the council who followed the orders of Neferus, there were also the weaponsmiths who followed the orders of Erin, who were helping fix any damaged weapons from both the watchers and the admins.

Many of the watchers' powers had increased with the plentiful practice that they had done since the last time they had to fight for the safety of the Main World. One such watcher was Artemis who had been one of the watchers who had done some of the most practise of them all. She was fighting for her friends who had barely made it off of their server, those whom she considered her family. She was fighting so they could live in peace again, just as many watchers and admins were fighting for. She had already seen watchers around her fall, ones who got overrun by the mobs that just kept coming. She felt guilt when she couldn't help but she knew that she would keep fighting so they didn't die for no reason. Artemis had gotten her magic up to around a level 6 watcher with her sleepless nights and constant hours of pushing herself more than she had before.

Artemis was always someone who was keeping an eye on whatever she could look at, her eyes had always darted everywhere. So as she saw a red light glow from an area next to her she watched while sending a shockwave filled with lightning towards the mobs that were coming faster and faster towards her. She saw that it was High Watcher Xelqua Carolus who had been teleported into the battle, she didn't even know that he wasn't previously in the fight. She could see that he was injured, some damage was around him, and it looked as though he had a new scar over his eye. He seemed to be taking in the battle but she could see something he didn't. High Watcher Gryff Dirsu was fighting one of the first, in his powered-up form which was something new for all of the council members, even the admins.

She could see the watcher was gearing up for an attack, and she just wasn't going to fly there. She tried to hold a shield up in front of the High Watcher, trying to protect him, but the power difference was too great. The spell shot by the first broke the shield after a few moments and it hit her directly in the chest, it wasn't a spell that could be healed. She could feel herself slipping, she knew that it was the last spell she was going to be able to fire. She had wanted to see the peace again that they were fighting for, being able to celebrate with her friends when they won this battle because she believed that they would win. "No!" the High Watcher yelled when he saw that the one who saved him was taking her final breaths, "I'm sorry, I don't even remember your name,"

"It was my choice High Watcher. Please win this, for my friends, for each citizen of this world of ours," Artemis said, "Please tell my friends I'm sorry that I couldn't make it back. For my name, it is Artemis Moon,"
"You didn't need to do that," the High Watcher said, watching the watcher die in his arms.
"You are the one who is needed to save the world, I am just a new watcher. I would die a thousand times over to bring peace to my friends and everyone in this world," Artemis said, "Please when you win talk to my friends,"
Her breaths slowed, and she could see the world around her fading, "I promise," the High Watcher said.

"Thank you-" Artemis said, as her breath stopped.

Xelqua could feel the life disappear from the watcher, he recognised her as one of the newest watchers from the most recent trials, the one that got attacked. He couldn't remember her name from then, but now he would remember it as the watcher who helped him win this fight. He was going to win this battle for Artemis' friends, for everyone else, and for his family. It was time for the firsts to go back to the afterlife. 

WC~ 1469

A/N: Only five chapters left (which includes an epilogue)! I hope you've been enjoying the story so far!

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