Chapter 13

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Xelqua looked at Mirinn, anger on his face. He pulled his sword out being ready to attack and had his other hand ready, purple light already swirling around his fingers. "Well Xelqua, I think it's time that I see you gone from this world," Mirinn yelled, having his own sword out and fingers swirling with purple light.

"Funny. I was about to say the same thing," Xelqua replied as he sent a fireball towards Mirinn.

Mirinn placed up a shield and the fireball dispersed over it, "Your friend won't be able to help you this time, or should I say great great great however many great grandma,"
"I don't need her help to get rid of you, once and for all," Xelqua said, coming forward with his blade.

He slashed towards Mirinn but made it short so he flew around and slashed towards his wings, but Mirinn moved forward so his blade missed. "I want to see you die with my own eyes," Mirinn yelled, going in for his own strike that Xelqua only just missed.

"Eye," Xelqua said, sending three fireballs in a row, all of them blocked.

"I wonder whose fault that is," Mirinn yelled, and Xelqua noticed that the purple glass covering his missing eye seemed to glow, "Only one of us is leaving here,"

Mirinn used his own blade to try and strike for Xelqua's eye, but Xelqua managed to block just in time, "Trying to have us matching?" Xelqua said, going in for a counter.
Mirinn didn't say anything, instead sending a fireball in his direction that burned the edge of his sleeve. He then followed with a slash of his sword towards his chest. "I want to see you fall to my hand. For your blood to stain my blade,"

"Why did you do this in the first place, why do you want a war? Why do you hate admins?" Xelqua yelled out, sending out a barrage of fireballs.

"What do you want me to say? Oh no, admins killed my parents that's why I have a burning hatred for them? Well sorry I don't have a sad backstory I just hate them, my parents actually agreed that admins and watchers should lead together. Watchers shouldn't have to be at the same level they are, well, maybe watchers like you but not watchers like me!" Mirinn yelled, going for attack after attack with his blade.

"If your parents liked equality so much then why do you hate them?" Xelqua said, thinking there had to be a reason he was thinking this way.

"Why do I have to have a reason? I just do. My parents were weak, they tried to make me weak as well. That's why I got rid of them before I came to the academy," Mirinn said.

Xelqua was shocked, he knew that Mirinn was a bad person but he wasn't expecting that. With those thoughts Xelqua froze for a few seconds which Mirinn took advantage of to slash with his blade, Xelqua managed to move back far enough so the blade only gave him a slight cut over his left eye, but his eye wasn't damaged. "Xelqua, how about an eye for an eye?" Mirinn said, attempting another slash that got interrupted by Xelqua's blade, "You can fight without it, after all, your High Leader does,"

"You know I don't doubt that you could fight with no eyes either," Xelqua yelled, trying to strike his eye again, hoping that if he was successful he would be able to get rid of Mirinn once and for all.

"I already lost one eye, that would hardly be fair!" Mirinn screamed out, sending repeated fireballs towards Xelqua who brought up shield after shield to block each one.

Xelqua sent three balls of fire to Mirinn's left and to his right which Mirinn went straight to blocking and during those seconds he was distracted he sent a crackling purple spell towards Mirinn's right eye and it hit its target. From his eye, a small burst of purple lighting crackled around it and a bright light flashed out, which Xelqua had to look away from. When he looked up there was a charred hole where his right eye should be. In a pure rage, Mirinn sent multiple bolts of lightning towards Xelqua's direction, many of them missing Xelqua but many of them also had to be blocked by a shield. "This won't stop me, you should know as well as anyone, that losing one's sight doesn't mean I can't kill!" Mirinn screamed out, coming through with his blade.
Mirinn's anger was making him faster, making it harder for Xelqua to find an opening. He was sending attack after attack all he could do was hold up a shield. He flew back, he needed room to actually be able to do something.

He needed a large attack to try and get back on top of this battle, he didn't want to be the one who wouldn't make it out of this battle, he knew what Astaria said but that didn't make him any less worried. He hoped that someone would get him out of here, but he guessed that since no one had so far gotten him out of this either the battle had already started, or Astaria told the others to wait. If this was going to be the last stand they needed to make sure this would never happen again, so Mirinn would need to be dealt with. He tried to do the freezing time spell first, feeling the same crackle between his fingers and the air turning misty, but when he did the flick for the petrification spell it, again, did nothing. He couldn't risk doing it again so instead he tried the other spell he had practised. He started the spell for fireball before adding in the motions for a shield spell before ending with the spell for a shockwave. With that a wall of flames made its way towards Mirinn, he got sent back and as he saw the flames disperse he saw that the fire had managed to burn his arms. This move seemed to make Mirinn more angry than before.

"I want to see you gone! I want to see you ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ╎リ⊣ gone because you are a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/! A good-for-nothing stupid ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ╎リ⊣ ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/!" Mirinn yelled out, arms covered in burns.
"I am a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/, always have been will be. But a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/ isn't a traitor but instead someone who keeps fighting. One who even after being betrayed by their own kind wasn't just going to lay down and die. A ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/ is someone who is willing to fight until they have no energy left. My High Leader, Astaria, my friend, my ancestor is a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/. I am proud to be a ⨅ᒷꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ̇/!" Xelqua screamed.

He went through the motions of a weather spell, feeling the crackling between his fingers, the air becoming misty around him as his hands moved to do the flick of the petrification spell, and he could already feel the difference as the air. He closed his eyes as a bright light shone out and when he opened it, Mirinn was frozen in front of him. His blade came close to his face but it was stopped. With that, he placed his hands over each other and sent out a blazing fireball, one with lightning crackling around it. "Just like you said, only one of us is leaving here," he said, and with that, Mirinn began to fade off into the cold air, he was gone and they wouldn't have to worry about seeing him, but the battle wasn't over yet. Xelqua could feel the spell fading, but he sent a message to Astaria, hoping that she would be able to get him out of there. When he lowered the spell a few seconds passed before he was consumed by a red light. 

WC~ 1319 

A/N: Mirinn got what he deserved :) 

Also school is starting this week :'(

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