Chapter 11

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Xelqua made it back and saw Astaria sitting on what was left of the roof of ᓵ||∷╎ℸ ̣ ⍑⚍∷╎ᓭ, it was a place many of the council members went to when they needed to get away and think. She was alone and he didn't know where the other council members were so he flew up to join her so that way she wouldn't be alone, but if she wanted him to leave he would. He came down and sat next to her, looking over the destruction that had come from the repeated battles, the damage where they had not had enough time to fix any of the damage. He also noticed that she seemed to have a strange metallic silver liquid on her fingertips but as he sat down and looked back he couldn't see it anymore, and he wondered if he just imagined it. "I don't remember any other colours you know, I've been seeing only black and purple for so long. I don't remember the red eyes that one of my parents had," Astaria said, facing over the destroyed city.

Xelqua wondered what it would be like to not see colour, not seeing the blue of the sky, the green of the grass, the range of hair colours the council members had or even the rainbow of colours that the hermits all wore. "I'm sorry," he said, as he didn't know what else to say.

"I always wondered what it would be like to see everything again, not just purple outlines on things. But, I also know that not being able to see with my eyes has also helped me with so many things, as most would say that I can see so much more," Astaria said again, "I could tell you what your friends are doing know while also being able to where each of our fellow council members is. But being trapped in seeing everything isn't always a good thing. I can tell you how afraid everyone is, how right now both Lysabel and Gryff are freaking out in their respective rooms not wanting anybody, even each other, to know how scared they are. I can see the camps where people are frightened, holding their family close in case it is the last time that they are able to do so,"

"Do you ever stop watching," Xelqua asked.

"Sometimes, but I've always felt that if I'm not watching and something happens it will be my fault. I have these abilities and it's not like I can see anything in the first place if I'm not watching," Astaria said, "It's both a blessing and a curse, just like most things in life are,"

"What's it like being in a time that's not your own," Xelqua asked.
"It was scary at first, I had to learn the language of players after all and when I had been sent to my death in the void there were only whispers of tension so coming back to the war was frightening. But, I think the worst part was knowing that everyone I knew was dead, the only family I have is generations and generations younger than me. Every day I wonder what it would have been like to be able to raise my child with Rene and every day I wish that I could see her again," Astaria said.

There were a few moments when the conversation seised before Xelqua said, "I owe you an apology,"
"What for?" Astaria asked.

"I was angry at you for not telling us, me, anything. When I was flying to the hermits I realised that I just did the same thing that you did and the hermits weren't mad at me for it. You have also saved my life over and over again. So I'm sorry," he said.
"Xelqua, you don't have to apologise-" Astaria started.
"But I do," Xelqua interrupted, "I was being hypocritical. You may say I don't have to just to make me feel better, but I know that I have to,"

Again they fell into a silence, one that fit the atmosphere that was surrounding everyone.

"Are you scared Xelqua?" Astaria asked.

He was, and he knew that she also knew that he was. He assumed she was asking to let him talk about it if he wanted. He didn't want to, he also had the same feeling of not wanting to share anything but he also knew that it would be good for him to share. "I am. I really am. Seeing the hermits again was nice but it just reminded me of how much I could lose and that they could lose me as well. They took it really well with me not telling them, I was expecting them to be angry with me and not let me back next season if there even is going to be another season. Maybe it would have been easier if they were mad at me, at least then... at least then if I die they wouldn't care," Xelqua said, his eyes watering up and tears racing down his face.

"You know they would care either way, if anything they would be more upset if they left everything on a bad note," Astaria said, still not facing Xelqua but the destroyed city ahead.

"I know, but- I don't know. I don't want to make it harder for them," Xelqua said, drying his tears with the sleeve of his cloak.

"You won't die," Astaria said, finally turning to face the crying watcher.

"Hopefully," Xelqua said.
"You won't," Astaria said, her voice full of certainty.

"What do you mean?" Xelqua asked.

She took a deep breath, "During the void I had many years to be able to look ahead,"

"Unknown sight, yours must be powerful enough to stop others who have it, or at least give you the upper hand," Xelqua said, "But I didn't realise that you could see further ahead than a few seconds,"
"As I said, I had a lot of time in the void, so I found out more about unknown sight. Turns out you are able to view up until you die," Astaria said.
"Why didn't you stop many of the battles then?" Xelqua asked, not accusatory but instead curious.
"Unknown sight tells you what happens but if you try and stop it the world will stop you, and I can not see everything that is going to occur. It is how I knew that everyone in the council would survive these battles," she replied.
"So you know how the final battle is going to go?" Xelqua asked, "That's why you know I'm going to live,"

"I do, I won't tell you much more. I shouldn't have even really told you that you were going to live," Astaria said.

"Thank you," Xelqua said, "Thank you for telling me. Do you think you could teach me enderian after this,"

Astaria faced him, "I have some books you can borrow, and some recordings to help with understanding and pronunciation in my house. I guess we finally both had our rooftop moment, but now we should head back down, the others are all making their way to the council room," Astaria said, and with that, the two flew down.

WC~ 1195 

A/N: Sorry I'm late this week - I've had a lot on! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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