Chapter 12

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Astaria and Xelqua were the last of the council to arrive in the meeting room, the other had brought the chairs from the sides back into the centre so that way they could stay close together. They were all just sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company. Astaria didn't say a word as she sat down and neither did Xelqua. It was nice having silence. Silence meant that no buildings were being demolished by spells that missed their intended target or spells that hit where they were meant to go; there were no sounds of mobs that were summoned yelling out their intent to attack; no sounds of walls being built to try and stop people and most importantly there was no screaming of people getting hurt in the streets. Having silence with all they knew was yet to come was nice. Everyone knew it was the calm before the storm, these moments of silence wouldn't last much longer but they would enjoy them while they could.

They let the silence last for a few more minutes before Lysabel broke it, "We should go over exactly what has been planned for when the attacks start. The lead admins of each camp have practised teleporting the different legions in their camps so they have the command saved,"

Gryff continued saying, "The watchers are also keeping an eye on the surrounding area so they are away when the attack from the firsts come,"

"The endermen have agreed to help-," Astaria started to say.

"Endermen?!" Blaze interrupted shocked, "You got the endermen to help?!"

"Yes," Astaria said.

"But throughout history, they've always avoided admins and watchers. They've been hostile whenever anyone went close to them," Lysabel said confused, "I knew that you could speak their language but I didn't know you were close enough to them that they would agree to fight,"

"Oriton is a close friend," Astaria said, the rest of the council nodding, "Jean has also agreed to assist,"

"What?!" the other members, except for Xelqua, cried out in shock.

Kelin then said, "At this point why are we even surprised,"

"It comes with the territory of being 1000 years old. She has started her flight over here, and will be here for when the fight begins," Astaria said, "For now we should just prepare by practising to heighten our chance of victory,"

With a desire to do whatever it took to be able to stay with his family, both his families, he wanted to see if he would be able to create a spell, or at least try and use one that Astaria created since his mind wasn't really focused enough to be able to think of ways. He wanted to see if was able to use the time-freezing spell that Astaria used, she never actually showed him but it was now fresh in his memory from her using it as an example for everyone. He started by using the motion for the weather-changing spell, feeling the small crackles of lightning between his fingers and the air around him turn misty but then instead of finishing the spell, he flicked his finger like he would for a petrifying spell. He called it a failure when he saw that the snow that seemed to form around him was now frozen in the air, holding its position. He let the air around him warm up and the snow became water then fell to the floor. He started to go through the motions again, feeling the same crackling between his fingers and the same misty air around him and then he went for the flick. This time there was a cold air that surrounded him and could feel the cold around him, but no luck with the spell.

He had a couple more attempts before he decided to try something else, he thought that using the fire shield spell would be good but he also wondered if he could use the shockwave spell combined with the firewall spell to create a firewall shockwave. This one would cause more damage if he actually managed to do it so he started by placing a barrier around him. One that was transparent so the other council members could see that he was okay. He started by repeating the steps that Astaria had shown everyone, first using the beginning of the fireball spell, with small flames flickering around his fingers and then he went into the shield spell. It seemed that he was having more luck with this and he managed to make the same spell as before. Instead of holding the spell as he would normally do he changed his hand motions into doing the ending of a shockwave spell. He was actually surprised as a shockwave made of walls of fire was sent out around him. He did a small fly in the air to celebrate before landing back on his feet and repeating the motion again. This time the wall of fire that was sent out was larger than the one before, so he brought down the wall when the last of the flames faded.

Xelqua then felt a chill come down his back. He hadn't felt something like that before so it made him worried, especially with the firsts being so close to attacking. He looked up to see if any of the other council members were reacting to anything, but they didn't seem to be reacting in any way, each was just continuing on with what they were doing. Then he turned around to where Astaria was standing, she was facing his direction. That's when he realised that something was about to happen to him, and Astaria knew what, he just wished he was allowed to know. She gave him a nod, that felt comforting as it reminded him that he was going to be okay. A red light then surrounded him. He was no longer in the council room but instead was in the sky, which he wasn't expecting. He quickly pulled his wings out and flew down to the ground, he looked around and saw that he was once again on the academy's grounds, so as he looked around and saw Mirinn was standing there he wasn't surprised. He knew that this would have to be the final battle between them.  

WC~ 1047 

A/N: We're getting closer to the end! Hope you enjoyed this week's chapter!

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