Chapter 6

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He could feel the power that was coursing beneath his skin, spreading through his veins. He could feel the warmth radiating out from that swirling magic core inside of him, the warmth of his glowing eyes. He lifted his hand up towards the sky and let a cool amethyst light come from this palm. It wasn't a fast spell but no one moved to try and stop it, they were all still frozen from disbelief seeing Xelqua in a powered-up form, who they thought was the third person to ever do it but was second to a 1000-year-old watcher-admin hybrid. The spell created a dome that, when it had reached the blocks at the bottom of the world, changed from an amethyst light to an amethyst-like crystal, one that wasn't as weak as the gemstone but shone like one. The shield was still see-through, so the hermits who were on the other side of the shield, the reason why it was made in the first place, were still able to see the two watchers who were in the air.

"I didn't know you had it in you," the voice of the watcher came out, it echoed around the crystal dome which made the fear that was hidden in their voice, that was just barely able to be heard magnified.

Xelqua didn't say anything, instead, he went for his first magic attack. It was a simple fireball, probably the most common spell that a watcher cast, but he wanted to see just how much the level of his magic changed in this powered-up form. As the fireball hit the shield that was thrown up by the watcher in front of him his mouth opened slightly in surprise. When the fireball collided, the flames spread out three metres in each direction creating a wheel of fire, normally the fireball at most reaches 30cm out when colliding against a shield. The power he had at his fingertips now was 10 times that of what he normally had, and he liked it too.

Xelqua then sent a barrage of fireballs, each one colliding against the shield but at the same was sending the watcher further and further back. Then as the last fireball of his barrage ended, from the smoke came a shot of lightning back at him. He caught it in mid-air, his own lilac light surrounding the deep indigo of the lightning, forcing the electric magic to fall into a shape that was reminiscent of a ball. Xelqua put the bottom of his hands together and pushed them forward to send the ball of lightning back in the watcher's direction. The watcher, instead of summoning a shield, flew around from the lightning ball and let it hit the barrier behind him.

Attacks between the two were now being exchanged, but Xelqua could tell that the watcher in front of him was more powerful than he thought. They were only exchanging blows now when he was in his powered-up form compared to the watcher being in their normal watcher form. Xelqua knew that if he made one mistake, one shield that wasn't in the right position the watcher in front of him would be able to get the upper hand. Those thoughts, his mind not being completely focused, are what caused that one mistake. A fireball hit him and sent him down to the ruins of the ground of the shopping district, right into a familiar shop, one made of dark oak wood and grey-stained glass. It felt fitting in his head, that if he was going to die at this moment it would be in his own shop, he was prepared for it but still, he pulled himself up and flew out of the broken remains of the shop he had built with his own hands. When it looked as though the watcher was about to send an attack a shattering sound echoed around them. At first, Xelqua thought that it was the server crashing around him and his heart rate jumped as he thought about the hermits that were, as far as he knew, still watching from outside the barrier.

It wasn't the server that was shattering, Xelqua looked forwards and saw shards of crystal falling down and watched as the watcher turned their head up to the location of where the shards came from. A hole had formed in the roof of the barrier and the rest of it was crumbling down around them, he was worried that it was more opponents that were there to knock him further down, but it wasn't. Instead, it was a familiar head of white hair. Astaria came bursting through, already in her powered-up form, though this one was slightly different. It was the powered form with only four wings but she had two halos, one purple and one red. Around her was also a larger admin screen than what he had ever seen before, small purple glows were on it, he assumed that she was using watcher magic to type at multiple places at once. He thought to himself that this must be a combination of a powered-up watcher and a powered-up admin form, he didn't even know that there was a powered-up admin form.

Astaria's eyes turned towards him and he could see them glowing, one red and one purple. She raised her hand towards him and sent forward a periwinkle light that seemed to float like a breeze towards him. It surrounded him in a similar fashion as the cocoon did earlier, but the light seemed warmer, like a hug next to a fireplace. It also felt cool at the same time, like having an ice cream on a warm summer's day. He felt more energised as the power surrounded him, he looked at his arms and saw that the wounds from the battle that was still taking place were healing up, the periwinkle light surrounding them and placing a thin film-like layer over them that soaked into his skin, and in their wake was a fresh layer of skin.

Xelqua looked back up and saw Astaria swish her arm to send out a shockwave towards the attacker in front of her. The wave looked like flames that had a small burst of lighting inside of it, it looked powerful. Then when it hit the watcher it looked painful, their agony screaming out as they seemed to fall to the ground, but before they could hit the ground they faded out into the air. Xelqua flew up towards the watcher-admin, and when he had reached the airspace next to her, he looked down and saw that the hermits were no longer on the ground below. He opened up his mouth to ask but Astaria, knowing what he was going to ask, said, "Don't worry they are safe, I made it here not too long after you powered up and teleported them out before breaking the barrier, I wouldn't have risked them getting hurt when it came down,"

"The last of everyone has been evacuated to whatever area of the Main World that they could fit," Astaria continued, "But I can tell that the rest of that watcher's friends are on their way so we need to get back to the Main World,"

Xelqua nodded as Astaria used her hand this time to type a command into her admin screen, surrounding them in red light, and as they left the code they felt the shattering of the server that they had just left.

WC~ 1251

A/N: Sorry about the chapter being late again, being on holiday means all the days are mixing together. I do hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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